The difference between traditional currency and Bitcoin

Like normal currency, it is possible to buy things from a shop with Bitcoin.

Like normal currency, it is possible to buy things from a shop with Bitcoin.

Published Aug 26, 2020


Many of you will be asking whether Bitcoin is like our traditional currency, and if it is possible to buy goods and services with Bitcoin. Like normal currency, it is possible to buy things from a shop with Bitcoin too, as long as the shop accepts Bitcoin.

Bitcoin are like virtual cash, so there can be an exchange between Bitcoin or Bitcoin that can be exchanged as currencies through various Bitcoin trading agencies like CFD Trader.

Impact of inflation

Traditional currencies suffer from severe inflation when there is demand in the supply of the currency. When the demand increases, the Reserve Bank has to print more currency, reflecting on the cost of money value in the trading industry. But in the case of Bitcoin, there is no inflation. There is a limit in the Bitcoin supply of 21 million Bitcoin, and hence there will be limited mining each year.

Research has found that by the year 2025 we will reach 21 million Bitcoin. Hence there will a tremendous change in the face value and real value of Bitcoin. Like the share gets split in the share market, Bitcoin also take a split in the share. Based on the market value, firms will split the stocks as 2, 5 or 10. This will result in an increased degree of transactions. As a result, the inherent rate of the currency decreases as time goes on.

At the same time, the inherent value of Bitcoin will be increasing, as the demand for it increases. This paves the way for a greater advantage for those who possess Bitcoin. Especially, the initial holder of Bitcoin possesses more advantages in the trading industry. Surely there will be some benefits in holding Bitcoin, where the price value will be increasing and decreasing?

Buying guide for Bitcoin

To be successful in the Bitcoin trading industry, people have to sell Bitcoin for some price value in the market. If the number of buyers is more than the sellers, the Bitcoin money value will also increase. Once you plan to trade with Bitcoin, you can either buy or sell them at a time of high profit later.

Just as the money value might decrease on the stock market, the Bitcoin value might also decrease. You will lose the money invested in Bitcoin like you lose money on the stock market. But through the process of mining, you can obtain Bitcoin back.

Every Bitcoin transaction is recorded in a public ledger known as blockchains. Every transaction will be recorded as blocks, and those blocks will be linked using wallet addresses. If the money invested in Bitcoin is lost, it can be obtained back by releasing new Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Liquidity

The term “liquidity” means the ability of the stock market or Bitcoin market to sell or buy Bitcoin or money, without affecting the price value. This ability depends on the demand, supply and value of a company and so on. In the case of Bitcoin, liquidity is determined by company shares and demand. The price value instability in Bitcoin is due to fewer company shares and more demand. The price value of Bitcoin also depends upon the experience gained by transacting Bitcoin by the virtual company owners.

Peer-Peer nature

The traditional currency system has lots of rules and regulations. The banks stipulate certain conditions. For example there should be a certain figure of minimum balance, the number of transaction times, the figure of the amount to be transacted and lots more. But Bitcoin is virtual money, where there are no banks or government agencies to regulate it. The transactions are made very fast, without having to wait for 2 to 3 working days. It takes less than a day, sometimes within 2 hours. No special fee is imposed on transactions.

For international transactions, only a small amount will be incurred. But in the case of banks, heavy money in the name of tax will be incurred from the public. Due to less international transaction fees, many small-scale vendors also benefit, and hence the success of Bitcoin trading depends upon the support offered by industries in accepting Bitcoin.

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