Alleged police assault of Fish Hoek man: Case postponed for ‘possible mediation’

IPID is investigating a viral video showing a man in Fish Hoek being assaulted by two cops in full uniform. Picture: Screengrab

IPID is investigating a viral video showing a man in Fish Hoek being assaulted by two cops in full uniform. Picture: Screengrab

Published Aug 16, 2022


Cape Town - The alleged assault of a 28-year-old man from Emerald Crescent in Fish Hoek by two police officers has caused widespread outrage and raised long-standing concerns about police brutality.

A video showing Joel Richard Gaffley allegedly being assaulted by the two police officers was widely circulated on social media on Monday.

In the video, one police officer is seen assaulting Gaffley with a baton while another is pinning him down on the ground, much to the horror of witnesses who pleaded with them to stop.

One of the police officers is seen threatening one of the witnesses before returning to Gaffley.

Gaffley told witnesses he had called the police to report a missing person (girlfriend) when he got into a heated argument with them after they refused to help him.

Gaffley appeared in the Simon’s Town Magistrate’s Court on Monday after he was arrested and charged with assault. This after one of the police officers who was shown beating him on video opened a case of assault against a police official.

Gaffley also opened a case of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm against the police officials.

National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) spokesperson Eric Ntabazalila said Gaffley’s case was postponed until September 20 for possible mediation.

While the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (Ipid) confirmed that it was looking into the matter, police spokesperson Novela Potelwa said the police were investigating whether the two officials had flouted disciplinary prescripts relating to the conduct of police members.

Ipid spokesperson Grace Langa said they were informed of the matter on Sunday night and investigators were sent yesterday to collect the docket and resume investigations.

Langa said after collecting statements from witnesses Ipid would have a clearer picture of what transpired.

“All we have for now is allegations from social media, so by at least tomorrow (Tuesday) we will be in a position to give an outcome of preliminary investigations,” she said.

Fish Hoek CPF chairperson Jonathan Mills criticised what he said was the unnecessary use of force by police members. He also denounced the police for the threatening behaviour and abusive language towards witnesses, who he said were not obstructing the members.

Mills also strongly criticised the police for refusing two CPF members access to Gaffley while in custody and also information on his condition.

Mills said the shift commander also refused to accept the video into evidence and to provide an occurrence book reference for their visit.

“The CPF is a partner of SAPS and for our members to be verbally abused and physically assaulted in this manner when following up on reports made by members of the community is not acceptable.

“SAPS have a duty of care to all members of the public and accusations of police brutality should not be taken lightly or dismissed out of hand,” Mills said.

Mills said the CPF would follow up on the charges laid by both parties.

He said the CPF had submitted a complaint, along with further video evidence regarding the behaviour of the officials in the charge office, to the Station Commander and the CPF Cluster Board for investigation.

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