Cape of Good Hope SPCA appeals for inverter after vet shop break-in during load shedding

Thieves ransacked the Cape of Good Hope SPCA premises. Picture: Supplied

Thieves ransacked the Cape of Good Hope SPCA premises. Picture: Supplied

Published Jul 17, 2023


Cape Town - After a break-in and theft at the Cape of Good Hope SPCA Vet Shop, the organisation has called on the public to assist in obtaining an inverter to allow for greater security at its premises during long hours of power outages.

A vital income stream for the organisation was targeted and compromised by thieves, as they took advantage of the cover of darkness provided by load shedding to break-in and ransack the premises located at Gabrield Road, Plumstead.

Those managing the facility said the incident of theft must’ve occurred during load shedding either on Friday night or during the early hours of Saturday morning when the camera and alarm systems were down due to a power outage in the area. Police spokesperson Joseph Swartbooi said the complainant left the premises on Friday at around 5pm.

“On arrival it was clear that unauthorised entrance was gained and valuables and cash taken from the premises,” Swartbooi said.

The suspects fled the scene and arrests are yet to be made. Diep River police are investigating a case of a business break-in.

“Our vet shops are vital income-generating commercial entities, the proceeds of which go directly back to our important work with animals. We are so disappointed in this display of a complete lack of moral consciousness on the behalf of the perpetrators, who chose to steal from an organisation whose services are vital to the community,” Chief executive Moyo Ndukwana said.

The theft had been a massive blow to the organisation, which now has to contend with repairing the damage done to the shop and equipment as well as the loss of cash and products.

“At a time when the SPCA faces significant challenges in terms of an increased demand in services that is already stretching our resources to the maximum, we simply cannot afford to incur the full cost of the inverter we need to keep our security systems running during load shedding.

“If anyone is able to assist with either donating or offering a significant discount on the supply of a 5-kilowatt inverter, we would be eternally grateful,” Ndukwana said.

Spokesperson Belinda Abraham said Vet Shop operations were the organisation’s commitment to self-sustainability.

“An inverter will not just help us keep our security systems operational, it will support our efforts to ensure the Cape of Good Hope SPCA’s doors never close to the public or any animal who needs our help.”

To assist, contact the organisation via email on [email protected].

Ward councillor Eddie Andrews has condemned the break-in and looting of the SPCA vet shop.

“It’s rather unfortunate that Eskom's inability to keep the lights on, is exploited in such a manner.

“We have seen an increase in crime during load shedding and ask businesses and private property owners join the Plumstead Neighborhood Watch as it is an added safety resource.“

Anyone with information related to the incident is requested to call Crime Stop on 08600 10111.

[email protected]