Central Line could get armed railway guards if the police approve of plan

Transport Minister Fikile Mbalula is said to have previously promised the Bonteheuwel community armed protection on the railway. Picture Henk Kruger/African News Agency

Transport Minister Fikile Mbalula is said to have previously promised the Bonteheuwel community armed protection on the railway. Picture Henk Kruger/African News Agency

Published Sep 12, 2022


Cape Town - The Cape Argus understands that Passenger Rail Agency of SA (Prasa) officials handed over a new strategic security plan to police on Monday, September 5.

If police approve it, the plan will see armed guards protecting the Central Line after a video of heavily armed men near Netreg surfaced, as well as claims of extortion that have ultimately upended reconstruction work.

Last week, Transport Department officials appearing before the committee came under criticism for ignoring the criminal activity on the line during their presentation.

Transport Minister Fikile Mbalula has not committed to a definite response on whether three current unarmed security guards would be replaced by armed security, despite a request being made to police.

Mbalula is said to have previously promised the Bonteheuwel community armed protection on the railway.

Pressed by this publication on the promise, Mbalula’s spokesperson Lwazi Khoza said the minister was working closely with the Prasa board to ensure the necessary measures were taken to protect the infrastructure.

“The minister has stated that protecting the railway and its infrastructure is of paramount importance to the recovery and reconstruction of passenger rail services,” Khoza said.

She was asked again at the weekend whether armed security would be present on the line, but she had not responded at the time of writing.

Prasa board chairperson Leonard Ramatlakane did not respond to a request for an interview.

DA councillor Angus McKenzie, who has been in meetings with Prasa officials and the police, said at the weekend that they had not received feedback on whether they could have armed security on the tracks by today.

He said there were three guards who were not even armed with a baton working the area before the Netreg video emerged. McKenzie said Mbalulaha had time and again vowed to ensure there were armed security guards on the Central Line.

On armed security, Prasa spokesperson Zino Mihi said they had a working relationship with the police and “commitment from (cops) about everything related to the Central Line”.

Pressed on whether the reconstruction work would start today, she said she could not confirm this, except to say Prasa wanted to “close all the security gaps” first.

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