Community organisations organised Christmas lunches for vulnerable Cape families

Soup kitchens in Bonteheuwel united to host a Christmas lunch for less privileged families in the community on Christmas Day.

Soup kitchens in Bonteheuwel united to host a Christmas lunch for less privileged families in the community on Christmas Day.

Published Dec 28, 2020


Cape Town - In an effort to provide food relief to those in need during the holidays, various community organisations held Christmas lunches for the less fortunate families living in communities across Cape Town.

This as the resurgence of Covid-19 has begun to take its toll on most organisations, government departments and private households, while the government is implementing stricter gathering regulations and most organisations are suffering from donor fatigue.

Against all odds, several organisations persevered with their plans to feed and support disadvantaged communities, families and individuals on Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

Ladles of Love CEO Danny Diliberto said although the organisation’s Christmas celebrations were not the same as those in previous years, things had gone extremely well, and the organisation had fed more than 400 homeless people at their kitchens in Roelands Street.

“Due to Covid-19, our plans for this year had to be restructured. We couldn’t host our usual Christmas lunch with the Methodist church as we had previously done over the past few years. Instead, we had to serve the Christmas lunch as takeaways.

“Although it was not a sit-down lunch, it went very well. We managed to feed over 400 people thanks to our donors and sponsors, and we had several volunteers on board to help us,” said Diliberto.

In Bonteheuwel, several community-based organisations and residents joined forces to host a Christmas lunch for the less privileged.

Bonteheuwel ward councillor Angus McKenzie said he was delighted to see so many generous residents and organisations assist each to bring hope and joy to those less fortunate over the Christmas weekend.

“Thousands of the most vulnerable in Bonteheuwel were treated to a wonderful Christmas lunch over the weekend.

“Under the current Covid-19 circumstances, this would have been extremely difficult if not impossible were it not for dedicated individuals running our soup kitchens and amazing partners who gave freely.”

Cape Argus