Human Settlements’ Portfolio Committee for the City checks on progress of Cape housing projects

The projects are at various stages of construction and completion and will provide further opportunities to hundreds of the most vulnerable qualifying beneficiaries and their families across the metro. Picture: Supplied

The projects are at various stages of construction and completion and will provide further opportunities to hundreds of the most vulnerable qualifying beneficiaries and their families across the metro. Picture: Supplied

Published Nov 7, 2023


Cape Town - The City of Cape Town’s Human Settlements’ Portfolio Committee visited various housing projects across the metro to check on the progress made.

The committee members, including its Chairperson, Councillor Albert Ntsodo, visited the Greenville housing project located in Fisantekraal, the Maroela South project in Kraaifontein and the Sir Lowry's Pass project.

The projects are at various stages of construction and completion, and will provide housing to hundreds of the most vulnerable beneficiaries and their families.

Ntsodo, said: “Oversight visits are an essential way for us as committee members to get out of the boardroom and into the communities we are assisting.

“It is important for us to see these projects for ourselves as we have spent many hours discussing them, looking at their plans and imagining them becoming a reality and holding the City accountable for progress

“The Human Settlements Portfolio Committee has already carried out a number of oversight visits in several areas around the city to have a closer look at where improvements in delivery can be made.

“As the Human Settlements Portfolio committee, we extend our sincere gratitude to communities across the metro for working with the City for the duration of the projects,” Ntsodo said.

“Housing projects are complex and intricate, replete with much legislation, and take many years to become reality. Community support plays an essential role in these projects.”

The committee members, including its Chairperson, Councillor Albert Ntsodo, visited the Greenville housing project located in Fisantekraal, the Maroela South project in Kraaifontein and the Sir Lowry's Pass project. Picture: Supplied

Beneficiaries of City housing projects are selected in accordance with the City's Housing Allocation Policy and Housing Needs Register to ensure houses are given in a fair and transparent manner that prevents queue jumping, and in accordance with the law.

The City's political office bearers do not have access to or influence over the Register and its qualifying beneficiaries.

The Human Settlements Directorate spent 99.3% of its more than R880 million capital budget in the 2022/23 financial year.

The committee also visited a number of completed informal settlement upgrade projects last week as part of the City’s efforts to formalise informality and enhance basic and emergency service provision on site.

The committee was accompanied by the City’s Mayco Member for Human Settlements, Carl Pophaim.

The committee also visited a number of completed informal settlement upgrade projects last week. Picture: Supplied

“Over several months this year, the Human Settlements Portfolio Committee carried out a number of oversight visits in informal areas to have a closer look at where improvements in delivery can be made in the most vulnerable areas.

“The visit included the Wallacedene, S-Section and Bosasa areas where service upgrades such as enhanced water and sanitation, walkways and emergency access routes were completed,” Ntsodo said.

“We are extremely pleased to see walkways as well as sanitation projects completed, which will immediately improve the lives of the residents.”

Ntsodo said the portfolio committee will continue to engage with the Human Settlements Directorate and the new Mayco Member for Human Settlements, to ensure that the high level service delivery for residents continues.

“As the Human Settlements Portfolio committee, we also extend our gratitude to the communities for working with the City for the duration of the projects,” said Ntsodo.

The committee was accompanied by the City’s Mayco Member for Human Settlements, Carl Pophaim. Picture: Supplied

Cape Argus