Sunrise Youth Foundation provides alternative path for Lavender Hill youngsters

Sunrise Youth Foundation protest this month against gang killings that consumed the lives of many innocent youth with parents of the dead.

Sunrise Youth Foundation protest this month against gang killings that consumed the lives of many innocent youth with parents of the dead.

Published Jun 22, 2021


Cape Town - Sunrise Youth Foundation in Lavender Hill has urged youngsters from the community to turn away from a life of gangsterism and violence by participating in their weekend cultural and educational programmes.

Founding member and chairperson Yaaseen Staggie said there were over 70 deaths in 2018 of innocent youth, breadwinners, elders and other law-abiding citizens, after which the community protested against the drug trade and gang war in the area.

In efforts to show the youth from Lavender Hill and surrounding areas a different reality, Staggie and his team established the Sunrise Youth Foundation during one of the worst gang wars he had ever seen.

The group hosts excursions, braai days, feeding schemes, archery adventures and programmes including fun games and interesting lectures from doctors and professors, encouraging youngsters to stay in school.

“Our greatest challenge has always been our lack of resources and financial limitations to do the great things we really want to do, such as buying a piece of land to open up an official centre and establish an ongoing feeding scheme with a constant supply of ingredients from those dedicated to the cause,” said Staggie.

Food distribution programme in collaboration with Ghaffoor Charity in March.

The foundation’s latest venture will be the launch of its after-school programme, set to take place in January, to provide a safe social and learning environment for youngsters until their parents are able to collect them, while also offering various sports and cultural activities.

Staggie said the foundation was in need of a computer, printer, camera and other basic office necessities.

Anyone interested in donating towards the foundation and its after-school programme can contact the group on its Facebook page, Sunrise Youth Foundation, via email at [email protected] or on WhatsApp at +27 74 323 4714.

The Cape Argus recently launched its Starfish project which aims to help encourage young people to steer away from crime. The project is a platform for individuals and organisations to tell our readers what they do to empower the youth or to share their knowledge.

** This piece from part of the Cape Argus’ “Starfish Project“.

Cape Argus

If the idea of this project resonates with you and you want to be a partner on this journey, the Cape Argus offers a platform for you or your organisation to tell your story. Join the Cape Argus Starfish Project by emailing your full name, address and contact details to [email protected]

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