The City of Cape Town is offering R5000 for information that will help it 'clean' up Mowbray

The City of Cape Town is offering R5000 for information that will help it 'clean' up Mowbray. Pix Jack Lestrade.

The City of Cape Town is offering R5000 for information that will help it 'clean' up Mowbray. Pix Jack Lestrade.

Published May 22, 2024


Cape Town - Crime and grime in Mowbray, along the Liesbeek Parkway, has prompted the City to launch a clean-up operation.

Ward 57 councillor Yosuf Mohamed said the area had been badly affected by illegal dumping and criminal elements.

Mohamed said the cleaning operation on Monday was followed up by metro police, which tackled drug challenges in the precinct.

“This is one of many prior operations conducted and will be an on-going exercise to tackle the deterioration of the area and root out the criminal elements hiding among the vulnerable in Mowbray,” said Mohamed.

Mohamed has urged anyone with any information on the individuals that can be apprehended in connection with stolen property, drug dealing or vandalism to please call the tip-off number at 0800 110077.

He said the City will pay a reward of up to R5000 for the information.

The City’s Law Enforcement department confirms that a reward is payable to any person who provides information that leads to an arrest or the successful confiscation or recovery of stolen goods or contraband.

“The reward is payable up to R5 000. The reward can only be paid if the city’s policing agencies achieve an operational result that directly relates to the information received, like arrests, confiscation of contraband or illegal firearms, or recovery of stolen goods. The officer handling the case will submit the application for consideration by the Rewards for Information Committee. Confirmation of a payable reward could be a lengthy process as it is subject to all relevant administrative processes,” said Law Enforcement spokesperson Wayne Dyason.

With regards to the success of the operation in terms of the number of arrests, the City has yet to confirm.

Cape Argus