Binge watchers can gear up for Netflix

FORERUNNER: In January 2014 the Academy Award nomination of Jehane Noujaim's Egyptian-American documentary, The Square, became the first ever nomination for an original Netflix production.

FORERUNNER: In January 2014 the Academy Award nomination of Jehane Noujaim's Egyptian-American documentary, The Square, became the first ever nomination for an original Netflix production.

Published Mar 2, 2015


Arts writer

NOT even a decade ago the TV watching experience was a different ritual altogether. It was predictable and everyone knew what day and time their favourite shows were on, and families and friends gathered together to tune in.

Today however, it’s a completely different picture and binge watching has become the norm. Now people are cramming what used to be four years’ worth of television into one series-filled weekend. And, according to a 2013 study by global research group MarketCast, 75 percent of binge watchers only mean to watch an episode or two, and then find themselves absorbed by an entire season.

The globally popular online television streaming platform of Netflix is set to make its way to local shores by 2016,which will allow viewers to take full advantage of this revolutionary TV watching experience. What this means is that people will need a television that can connect to the internet – a smart TV.

Netflix has already completely revamped the way Americans watch television. With access to entire series and a treasure trove of new and old popular films, Netflix already has over 39 million subscribers in the US alone, with over 57 million worldwide.

Thomas van der Linde, GM Marketing at LG Electronics SA believes this is the next step in the evolution of television. “Internationally, TV streaming has already gained popular attention. In SA, however, options are limited, making it the perfect market for a service like Netflix. This is exciting for us because LG’s range of televisions is well equipped to give consumers the best experience, so the introduction of a service like Netflix couldn’t be more perfect.”

With an LG smart TV, the local binge watching public will be able to watch their favourite shows without having to commit the crime of piracy, or waiting for it to feature on normal television. Not only this, but these LG smart TVs are capable of streaming high resolution content and will be set up with recommendation capabilities through its webOS 2.0 to help consumers sift through expansive content options.

Speaking at Internet Week New York, Netflix’s Chief Product Officer, Neil Hunt said, about 100 million internet-connected TVs sold, or about one for every three homes with broadband internet. He predicts that by 2025, everyone will own a smart TV. While this alludes to the first world, the SA market could will follow this trend.

LG Electronics currently has three smart TVs currently on the market. All are geared to work hand-in-remote with the internet, and are the perfect vehicles to host a service like Netflix and fundamentally change the way we watch TV.

l, www.face,

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