City accepts R4.5 billion River Club development settlement offer

An aerial view of The River Club, Observatory. File Picture

An aerial view of The River Club, Observatory. File Picture

Published Jun 29, 2023


It’s all systems go for the R4.5 billion River Club development, with the City on Wednesday saying it had accepted a settlement offer by the Observatory Civil Association (OCA) for the complete and final cessation of legal action.

The OCA challenged the development, which would have Amazon as its anchor tenant, arguing along with the Goringhaicona Khoi Khoin Indigenous Traditional Council, that the development would happen on sacred indigenous land.

The OCA was expected to respond in due course.

The City said in terms of the settlement, the OCA would make a contribution to the legal costs of the City.

“The City is pleased with this outcome and the clear message it conveys – that the City will always vigorously defend planning decisions taken correctly, and will act to protect Cape Town’s reputation as a leading global investment destination,” said Mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis.

The City noted that the Supreme Court of Appeal last month refused the OCA permission to appeal the Western Cape High Court’s order dismissing its application to interdict the River Club development.

“The River Club development is now proceeding based on the conditions of its planning approval, along with the major economic, environmental and heritage benefits for Cape Town.

Benefits of the River Club development include: rehabilitating a portion of the Liesbeek River, creating high-quality green open space, establishing heritage infrastructure in partnership with First Nations groups, creating more than 5 200 construction jobs and approximately 19 000 employment opportunities, establishing public transport infrastructure, injecting R4.5 bn of direct investment into the local economy, and delivering new residential accommodation, including affordable housing.”

Cape Times