#Keready offers free health services to youth at mobile health clinics

Cape Town doctors Dr Tevarus Naicker and his colleague Dr Afifa Titus.

Cape Town doctors Dr Tevarus Naicker and his colleague Dr Afifa Titus.

Published Oct 26, 2023


Nine #Keready mobile clinics are officially open, free of charge, to young people in Cape Town, Clanwilliam and the Cederberg.

#Keready is a movement dedicated to improving healthcare access and healthcare-seeking behaviour among young people, to equip them with the knowledge and resources they need to look after their health.

The mobile health clinics are set up in under-resourced areas that have large youth populations, to offer health checks, screening, and to test for a variety of conditions, such as sexually transmitted infections, blood pressure, diabetes, and HIV.

In addition, the clinics are also available for young people to ask any questions they have about their body, periods, pregnancy and family planning.

And if they aren’t close to a mobile clinic, they can WhatsApp a doctor 24/7 on the WhatsApp line 060 019 0000 from anywhere across South Africa.

“Our mobile units go directly to our youth, where they can receive free healthcare in a safe space - no jargon, no judgment,” said Dr Tevarus Naicker, one of the doctors responsible for the Cape Town District.

His colleague, Dr Afifa Titus, adds: "It is our aim to make healthcare easily accessible to anyone and everyone regardless of their socio-economic status, because health is the most essential aspect in life for everyone, as well as their greatest asset."

#Keready hosts weekly TikTok lives (every Wednesday at 7pm), hosted on their TikTok channel @kereadysa.

There, the doctors address various health topics such as kidney health, men’s health, women’s health, albinism and more.

A full schedule with times and the locations of the mobile clinics is available on the #Keready, www.keready.co.za/mobile-clinics

Cape Times