Mayco member Badroodien ‘unaware’ of meter tampering at his home

Water and Sanitation mayco member Zahid Badroodien has landed himself in hot water over alleged tampering of an electricity meter at his home, leading to him stepping down pending the outcome of a disciplinary hearing.

Water and Sanitation mayco member Zahid Badroodien has landed himself in hot water over alleged tampering of an electricity meter at his home, leading to him stepping down pending the outcome of a disciplinary hearing.

Published Sep 29, 2022


Cape Town - Water and Sanitation mayco member Zahid Badroodien has landed himself in hot water over alleged tampering of an electricity meter at his home, leading to him stepping down pending the outcome of a disciplinary hearing.

In a statement mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis said he had accepted the request by Badroodien to step down while the disciplinary process was underway.

“I have been informed by the Speaker’s Office that Councillor Zahid Badroodien is to face a Council disciplinary committee to answer charges relating to the alleged tampering of an electricity meter at a property owned by him.

“This is a council matter being dealt with by the Speaker’s Office.

“I am therefore not at liberty to comment on the charges against Councillor Badroodien, nor the disciplinary process to be followed,” said Hill-Lewis.

In the interim, mayco member for Finance, Siseko Mbandezi, will assume responsibility for the Water and Sanitation portfolio on the Mayoral Committee.

Badroodien had bought the property in 2016 and the building at the property was completed three years later, but had stood vacant until November 2021.

“I then moved into the building on a temporary basis as it was in close proximity to the ward I had just been elected to serve.

“Two days after moving in I was made aware of an alleged tampering of the electricity meter on the property.

“This triggered an investigation and the subsequent disciplinary process, as determined by the Speaker of Council.

I had no knowledge of such alleged impropriety until that point ... Subsequently I provided all available information and affidavits at my disposal to the Speaker for her investigative process.

“The City is yet to confirm the amount owed, following the completion of their own processes,” said Badroodien, adding that he would continue serving as the ward 48 councillor.

Speaker Felicity Purchase said a disciplinary hearing will be held and the committee’s findings and recommendations will be submitted to Council for consideration.

Cape Coloured Congress Leader Fadiel Adams applauded Badroodien for stepping down.

“We also do not understand how a man finds himself in this situation when you consider the fact that he earns more than a R1 million a year.”

Cape Town