PA accused of buying votes with food parcels in George

PA president Gayton McKenzie with residents in George. Picture: Facebook

PA president Gayton McKenzie with residents in George. Picture: Facebook

Published Jul 19, 2023


The Patriotic Alliance (PA) has been accused of buying votes by handing out food parcels to residents in Borcherds, George, on Wednesday.

The party’s members were seen handing out parcels containing a few grocery items to residents.

PA spokesperson Steve Motale, however, said this was part of the party’s Mandela Day celebrations.

By-elections in wards 16, 20 and 27 were held in George on Wednesday.

A community activist said the food parcels, containing rice, sugar, tea bags and cooking oil among other items, were delivered to a church in Borcherds.

“As the PA we are always doing charitable work. This was indeed part of our Mandela Day this week and the PA participated in programmes countrywide, including in George. Whenever you see the PA, you will see care for communities. That’s who we are,” said Motale.

DA provincial leader Tertuis Simmers accused the PA of “exploiting the people’s need for a vote”.

“In this particular election in George, it is very concerning that parties like the PA and GOOD can sink this low when their backs are against the wall,” he said.

Taking to social media, PA president Gayton McKenzie said: “I see the DA is making a big thing about us giving some of our poor people food parcels… I will never be ashamed to feed people. The DA and ANC left our people in a situation where they literally should beg for food and blankets,” he said.

Cape Times