Summer Alert: City issues warning on rising diarrhoeal disease risk

Parents are advised to be on high alert and prioritise hygiene as the risk of diarrhoeal disease increases from November to May. Picture: Independent Newspapers

Parents are advised to be on high alert and prioritise hygiene as the risk of diarrhoeal disease increases from November to May. Picture: Independent Newspapers

Published Dec 6, 2023


As summer settles in, the risk of diarrhoea is growing, and the City has warned parents about the dangers of the illness.

According to the City, 74 deaths from diarrhoeal disease were recorded in 2012/13 during the period known as surge season, from November to May.

During the last surge season, there were five deaths.

The municipality has urged the public to be mindful that young children are particularly susceptible and that dehydration caused by diarrhoea can be fatal.

“The so-called ‘stomach bug’ or ‘gastro’ is quite common over this time of year, among adults and children. The heat makes food spoil more easily, but warmer temperatures also aid the spread of germs. So the key for everyone's health is good hand hygiene at all times, but also the proper handling and management of food. The risk to children is when dehydration sets in from having gastro. The statistics show that we have made great gains over the past decades, but we cannot afford to let our guard down. One fatality is one too many, so parents and caregivers have to be incredibly vigilant, and act immediately to prevent complications,” said mayoral committee member for Community Services and Health, Patricia van der Ross.

Diarrhoea Prevention and Management Tips:

  • Health officials advised that apart from regular and thorough hand-washing, parents and caregivers should also wash bottles, bowls, spoons and teats before feeding young children.
  • It is important to prepare and store food safely and to wash hands with soap and water after going to the toilet and changing baby’s nappies, before preparing feeds and working with food.
  • Symptoms of dehydration include: passing little urine, dry mouth, few tears when crying, sunken eyes and weakness.
  • Symptoms of severe dehydration are drowsiness, pale/mottled skin, cold hands or feet, dry nappies, fast and shallow breathing.

In the event that a child develops loose stools, caregivers are advised to:

  • Start feeding them an oral rehydration solution made by dissolving one teaspoon of salt and eight teaspoons of sugar in 1 litre of boiled water that has been allowed to cool.
  • Visit their nearest clinic immediately for assistance.

Cape Times