Collaboration can speed up transition to renewable energy

South Africa has partnered with China for technology and investment in renewable energy projects which has resulted in the construction of new solar and wind farms, says the writer. Photo: Supplied

South Africa has partnered with China for technology and investment in renewable energy projects which has resulted in the construction of new solar and wind farms, says the writer. Photo: Supplied

Published Sep 5, 2024


You Wenze

At the recently concluded G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting, led by the US, a statement was issued once again hyping the so-called issue of “overcapacity” in China's new energy industry.

Following the recent imposition of tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles and other products, the US is eagerly rallying its allies, attempting to form a “protectionist alliance” to curb China. From both the principles of market economy and the laws of value, this issue is a completely false proposition. By examining South Africa's fruitful co-operation with China in the new energy sector, we can illustrate the broader benefits of such partnerships.

Revisiting Concerns About Overcapacity

The criticism of China's capacity in clean energy is reminiscent of historical double standards. Many nations, including those in the West, have historically maintained industrial dominance through significant state support and protectionist policies. Now that China has emerged as a leader in clean energy, it faces similar scrutiny. It is important to recognise that similar issues in the past, such as those in the steel and automotive industries, were typically addressed through market adjustments rather than through campaigns of concern.

Additionally, concerns about overcapacity might stem from a misunderstanding of market dynamics. An increased capacity in the clean energy sector can lead to lower prices, making renewable energy more accessible globally. This accessibility is crucial for accelerating the transition to sustainable energy sources, which benefits both the environment and consumers. Rather than viewing this as a challenge, it can be seen as an opportunity to advance global clean energy adoption.

China's Contributions to Global Clean Energy

China's advancements in clean energy are focused on producing better and more affordable technology. The economies of scale achieved by Chinese manufacturers have led to significant cost reductions in solar panels and batteries, making renewable energy more competitive with fossil fuels. These advancements are vital in the global effort to combat climate change, providing practical solutions to reduce carbon emissions.

In countries like South Africa, co-operation with China in the new energy sector has brought substantial benefits. South Africa, which faces significant energy challenges, has partnered with China for both technology and investment in renewable energy projects. This collaboration has resulted in the construction of new solar and wind farms, enhancing South Africa's energy security and reducing its reliance on coal. The transfer of technology and expertise from China has also created local jobs and spurred economic development.

South Africa's Positive Experience

South Africa's experience with Chinese co-operation in the energy sector provides a tangible example of the benefits of such partnerships. The collaboration has resulted in significant investments in renewable energy infrastructure, contributing to the country's goal of increasing its renewable energy capacity. Projects like the De Aar Solar Power Plant and the Longyuan Mulilo De Aar Wind Power Project exemplify how Chinese technology and investment are helping South Africa diversify its energy mix.

Moreover, the reduction in energy costs due to the influx of affordable Chinese technology has positively impacted South African consumers and businesses. Lower energy costs translate to lower production costs for industries, making South African products more competitive globally. This is a direct benefit of free trade and open markets, which sometimes gets lost in the broader discussion about overcapacity.

The Risks of Protectionism

Concerns about China's clean energy capacity should be viewed in the context of the broader benefits of open markets and free trade. Embracing protectionist measures could isolate economies from the benefits of more efficient and affordable renewable energy technologies. This isolation not only risks higher costs for consumers but also slows down the global transition to renewable energy, which thrives on international co-operation and the sharing of advancements.

Protectionist policies can lead to trade tensions, which historically have had negative consequences for all involved parties. Instead of fostering innovation and competition, such measures can stifle progress and entrench existing inefficiencies. The global clean energy sector benefits most from collaboration and open markets, where the best technologies can be adopted widely and quickly.

Concerns about China's capacity in the clean energy sector should be revisited with an appreciation for the broader benefits of free trade and global market dynamics. China's leadership in producing affordable clean energy technologies has been a boon for countries like South Africa, demonstrating the positive impact of international co-operation. By working together and embracing the opportunities presented by advancements in clean energy, we can accelerate the global transition to renewable energy and achieve shared climate goals. This collaborative approach ensures a more sustainable and prosperous future for all.

You is the Chinese Consul General in Cape Town

Cape Times

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