Fringe movement to state: examining the roots of Zionism

Supporters of the State of Palestine march in Cape Town last year to commemorate Nakba Day, May 15, in remembrance of the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes in 1948 after the founding of the state of Israel. Picture: Armand Hough/Independent Newspapers Archive

Supporters of the State of Palestine march in Cape Town last year to commemorate Nakba Day, May 15, in remembrance of the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes in 1948 after the founding of the state of Israel. Picture: Armand Hough/Independent Newspapers Archive

Published Oct 15, 2024


Patric Tariq Mellet

The first wave of European Ashkenazi Jewish immigration to Palestine began in 1881.

The aim to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine was declared by Herzl at the first Zionist congress in Basel in 1897. Zionism at this time was a fringe ethno-nationalist political cult largely among elite non-religious Ashkenazi European creole-Jews who were reflective of anti-Semitism presenting as anti-Yid.

The Ashkenazi Europeans were largely descendants of Europeans who had adopted creolised Jewish customs and faith after the migration of a small cohort of West Asian Jewish women to Europe.

Their descendants were not Semites and had no direct roots in Palestine. During World War I, in 1916, Britain and France agreed secretly to divide the Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire between them.

In 1917 Jerusalem was captured by British forces led by General Allenby.

In the same year the British government adopted the Balfour Declaration, its support for the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine as a means of resolving the anti-Semitic defined “Jewish Problem”.

Britain was “awarded” the Mandate of Palestine in 1920. During this period increased Jewish immigration and settlement took place, but still at a minor level. In the 1920s the father of terrorism in the Middle East, a Fascist Ukrainian Ashkenazi Zionist, Vladimir Ze’ev Jabotinsky, started the first terrorist organisation, Betar, with the aim of manufacturing an Israeli state, by force if necessary.

After a terrorist assault in Palestine, he was first tried and jailed but then banished by the British from Palestine. In 1931 Zionists in South Africa received Jabotinsky and hosted him for a while. To this day South African Zionists are among the most extremist fanatical supporters of the Fascist Likudist tradition going back to the Herut Party and terrorist militias.

Jabotinsky’s state-Zionist Revisionists had close relations with Benito Mussolini and the Italian Fascists who allowed them to be trained in his primary naval base. This was the beginning of a chain of state-Zionist Terrorist groups – Betar, Irgun, Herzlia, Lehi, Stern Gang, Haganah, and Palmach. Betar-Herzlia in Germany had a (documented) special collaborative relationship with Hitler’s Gestapo and SS, and Irgun at the end of 1941 tried to renegotiate a new relationship with Hitler after the 1933 – 1941 Haavara Agreement between Hitler’s Nazis and the World Zionist Organisation and German Zionist Federation came to an end.

During this period the Nazis supported the Zionist colonies in Israel financially, and with special preferential trade agreements, and with aided relocation of Zionists Jews from Germany to Palestine. A record number of state-Zionists migrated to these Zionist colonies assisted by the agreement with the Nazis. Non-Zionist Jews and Left-wing Jews were sacrificed by this collaboration. The Zionist Cult ideology was more important than Jewish people.

Up until just after World War II the state-Zionist Cult was a relatively small elite faction among Jews whom they had betrayed to their anti-Semitic European allies, and to the Fascists and Nazis who committed genocide against Jews.

This changed by 1947 when the US and Europe allied their anti-Semitic aims of ridding Europe of what they called the “Jewish Problem” with the Zionist Cult’s aim of getting rid of what they called “despicable Yids” and replacing this with an Aryan-type “New Hebrew” in an independent “Zionist Israeli State”.

From its inception the Zionist Cult sought to replace the European creole Judaism with its ethno-nationalist ersatz version of the “New Hebrew” identity. State-Zionism as distinct from cultural-Zionism has always been an insult to Jewish identity, culture, faith, culture and ethos and had an underlying neo-Nazi tendency as identified by none other than Albert Einstein.

Given the role of Zionist collaborators in the German Zionist Federation, World Zionist Organisation, the Jewish Order Police of the Gestapo, Herzlia collaborators with the SS, and Irgun’s Neo-Nazi plans, the state Zionists are also an insult to the victims of the Holocaust.

They have done everything to cover up their sordid past including abusing the memory of victims by using the Holocaust as a shield for their fakery and hijacking of Judaism.

Their behaviour since 1948 in terrorising Palestinians, the Nakba and now the further war crimes and genocide against Palestinians is not surprising given their entire sordid history pre and during WWII.

At root the state-Zionist Cult was the coming together of an anti-Semitic project between Zionist Fascists and European anti-Semites. It was anti-Jewish, Islamophobic, anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian in particular. This led to the UN Partition Plan in 1947 to divide Palestine into two separate states: Jewish and Arab. For the first time in history a state called Israel was manufactured in 1948 as a new entity and the former terrorist organisations became the new Israeli Defence Force. Palestine has an ancient history whereas Israel as we know it, only has a history since 1948.

The documented history of the slogan – “From the river to the sea –Eretz Israel” was first used to propagate expansionism by the Fascist state-Zionist Cult through the Israeli Herut Party and Likud Party.

In response, Palestinians argue “From river to the sea – Palestine will be free”. Woode Smith really is sucking his propagandistic story from his thumb or relying on the Zionist propaganda spin that they put on history.

* Mellet is an author and heritage activist. This is the final instalment of a two-part series.

Cape Times