DA questions IFP councillor’s presence at work after suspension over ‘sex for job’ scandal

Alfred Duma Local Municipality mayor Zama J Sibisi. Picture: Facebook

Alfred Duma Local Municipality mayor Zama J Sibisi. Picture: Facebook

Published Apr 5, 2023


Durban — The DA in Alfred Duma Local Municipality has expressed its disappointment that the IFP councillor allegedly caught in an explicit recording having sex with an employee, whom he had allegedly promised a job, was still at work.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, DA caucus leader Mike Suddaby said the party was enraged by the conduct of an alleged sex predator who has challenged his party’s suspension and remains an active councillor.

Speaking to the Daily News, Suddaby said he had written to the speaker to inquire whether there was an internal probe on the “sex for jobs scandal” and if not, why not.

He added that he had asked the speaker to investigate if there had not been an investigation, but the speaker had not replied.

Suddaby said he was informed that the councillor has challenged the suspension on the basis that the people in his ward had signed a petition opposing his suspension.

He lashed out at the IFP-led council for not taking action against the councillor, saying leaving it to the party was not enough since the councillor’s alleged act had brought the council into disrepute.

Moreover, Suddaby said he had hoped that the matter had been dealt with when the IFP publicly stated that it considered the matter to be very serious, and as such, had suspended the councillor from the party with immediate effect and directed him to take leave as a councillor.

However, some six weeks later and he is still an active councillor.

Suddaby said the councillor should have done an honourable thing and resigned from council. Instead, he challenged his party’s suspension and decision.

“Seemingly the IFP in Alfred Duma Municipality do not view the ‘sex-for-jobs’ scandal in the same serious light that the DA does. The recordings purported to be of the councillor and a female employee of the municipality are a disgrace. These allegations have done great reputational damage to the municipality, which needs to take urgent and robust action to ensure that he faces the consequences of his alleged actions.

“There is no place in the council for any councillor who has abused their position as a councillor to achieve personal gratification or enrichment, therefore the DA urges the IFP to do the right thing for the people of ward 20 and the community of Alfred Duma Local Municipality, and ensure that the councillor is removed,” said Suddaby.

The IFP national spokesperson and the municipality had not commented at the time of the publishing. Comments will be added once received.

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