Gran and granddaughter allegedly raped in KwaZulu-Natal

A 92-year-old woman and her 11-year-old granddaughter were allegedly raped by an unknown number of suspects in Jozini, northern KwaZulu-Natal. Picture: Brenton Geach

A 92-year-old woman and her 11-year-old granddaughter were allegedly raped by an unknown number of suspects in Jozini, northern KwaZulu-Natal. Picture: Brenton Geach

Published Jun 1, 2023


Durban – A 92-year-old woman and her 11-year-old granddaughter were raped in Jozini, northern KwaZulu-Natal recently.

Although details are sketchy, the KZN Department of Social Development reported that it is alleged that the suspect/s stormed into the family homestead at night, threatened the family and allegedly raped the victims.

The department sent a team of social workers to the victims’ family.

The department said this heinous act is an appalling violation of the individuals’ fundamental rights and a grave affront to the dignity and safety of all citizens.

Social Development MEC Nonhlanhla Khoza condemned the incident and expressed her sympathies and solidarity with the victims and their families during this time.

“We are extremely shocked by the persistent abuse of older persons and children in our communities. It is a shame that we have a lot of people with decayed morality. We have people who are unable to recognise the good from the bad and continue to violate their rights,” Khoza said.

Khoza said the government stands ready to offer comprehensive support and assistance to the victims, ensuring they received the necessary medical care, psycho-social support and legal aid to aid in their recovery and in the pursuit of justice.

She also called for the urgent need for law enforcement agencies to conduct a thorough and quick investigation to identify and apprehend the perpetrator/s responsible for this reprehensible crime.

“We implore the criminal justice system to treat this matter with utmost seriousness and diligence, ensuring that those responsible are held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. We also call upon communities, civil society organisations and individuals to stand together in solidarity against all forms of gender-based violence, particularly crimes as abhorrent as rape. We must work collectively to create safe environments that protect the most vulnerable members of our society and prevent such heinous acts from occurring,” Khoza said.

She also reaffirmed the department’s commitment to strengthening and implementing comprehensive strategies to combat gender-based violence and to ensure the safety and well-being of all citizens.

“This includes ongoing collaboration with relevant stakeholders, community engagement initiatives and the provision of accessible support services to survivors. We call upon all sectors of society to join forces in eradicating gender-based violence and creating a society where every individual can live with dignity, respect and without fear.”

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Daily News