LOOK: Police, private security company raid Phoenix crime hot spot

Phoenix police and private security company KZN VIP Protection Services raided a criminal hideout along Phoenix Highway near Mt Edgecombe. Picture: KZN VIP

Phoenix police and private security company KZN VIP Protection Services raided a criminal hideout along Phoenix Highway near Mt Edgecombe. Picture: KZN VIP

Published Aug 30, 2022


​Durban — Phoenix residents, north of Durban, are breathing a sigh of relief after police and a private security company raided a criminal hideout along Phoenix Highway on Monday.

Security company KZN VIP Protection Services spokesperson Glen Naidoo described the place as a notorious whoonga camp next to the Mt Edgecombe Intersection, known as Trade Centre. Naidoo said this place is notorious for smash and grabs, robberies and beggars.

The thick bush alongside the freeway and under the bridges provide a hideout for criminals who lurk in the bush.

Phoenix police and private security company KZN VIP Protection Services raided a criminal hideout along Phoenix Highway near Mt Edgecombe. Picture: KZN VIP

“It has been a successful operation with a few people being taken for questioning with suspected stolen stuff. This is based on recent stats which has seen a spike in smash-and-grab incidents, robbery from persons and also violence-related crimes which have been taking place at the entrance of Phoenix,” Naidoo said.

Naidoo said the bush housed self-confessed drug addicts. Naidoo said police made their way through the bush finding more camps further inside. Police confiscated drug paraphernalia, knives, screw drivers, other dangerous weapons and suspected stolen items.

Naidoo said this is just one of the operations planned for Phoenix to combat crime in the area.

Police spokesperson Lieutenant-Colonel Nqobile Gwala said officers from SAPS Phoenix Trio Crime Prevention unit together with other law enforcement embarked on a stop and search operation at the Trade Centre robot in Phoenix.

Gwala said three suspects aged between 25 and 29 were arrested for possession of property suspected to be stolen and possession of dangerous weapons.

Gwala said police found two suspects with aluminium pieces in a large white bag and two remote controls with cables and other items. A third suspect was found in possession of an okapi knife. All three suspects will appear in the Phoenix Magistrate’s Court.

One of the makeshift shelters found when Phoenix police and private security company KZN VIP Protection Services raided a criminal hideout along Phoenix Highway near Mt Edgecombe. Picture: KZN VIP

Chairperson of the Ethekwini Outer North Cluster, Umesh Singh, applauded all the stakeholders who made this possible. Singh said the community policing forum has been inundated with complaints of crime at the intersection.

“Hopefully this will make the area safer. We still urge the community to take necessary precautions at all stops. Be vigilant at all times. Please report all crimes,” Singh urged.

Reacting to the police raid, Naveshnee Chetty suggested on Facebook that eThekwini Parks and Gardens clear the bushes and leave that place open, so these people cannot live and hide in there.

Tim Isaacs said, “Well done to all the role players ... your hard work has been noted and still you got people handing out goodies to these thugs in this area everyday, yet you have told them not to ... Stop crying when you become a victim ... These thugs are a menace to road users as well as a danger to law abiding citizens ... like a devil waiting to devour their prey ... Come on people open your eyes and stop this handouts and encouraging them to be there daily to endanger us all.”

Police at the Mt Edgecombe and Phoenix Highway intersection where several alleged drug addicts were arrested on Monday. Picture: Supplied

Phoenix resident Cheryl Reddy suggested a similar raid be conducted under the bridge near Sledgrove Close.

Rose Harilal said, “If they were stopped in the beginning, so many lives of drivers would have been saved. Please sort out Besters robots where people have been killed and stabbed for their belongings.”

Phoenix police and private security company KZN VIP Protection Services raided a criminal hideout along Phoenix Highway near Mt Edgecombe. Picture: KZN VIP

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