Overport tenants take landlord to court for restricting the water and electricity supply

Dawood Parag

Dawood Parag

Published Oct 14, 2022


Durban — Tenants of Garland House in Overport have taken their landlord to the Durban Magistrate’s Court on Friday for restricting the water and electricity supply to their homes.

The notice of motion requested that the respondents, Bond Real Estate Close Corporation, restore the prepaid electricity and water supply and remove all restrictions to the supply.

The tenants are hoping that the corporation is interdicted and restrained from interrupting, and/or restricting, and/or terminating the supply of the prepaid electricity and water.

Acting on behalf of the tenants are attorneys MJM and Associates. In the founding affidavit, Dawood Parag, 73, chairperson of the Garland House Tenants’ Committee, said the building had 31 units and was occupied by elderly individuals, widows, pensioners, single mothers of children of school-going age and other individuals who live below the breadline.

The corporation is the managing agent of the building and the account holder/controller with respect to the prepaid and electricity units installed in each unit in the block of flats. Tenants purchase electricity and water tokens from various vendors.

A notice stated that in November 2021, the corporation sent a general letter to 10 tenants informing them that late rental payments would not be tolerated, and rentals not received on time would be loaded for collection from the tenants’ prepaid systems.

Daily News