PICS & VIDEO: Quadruplets excited to start high school

Quadruplets Jordan, Cailee, Taylor and Josh Pretorius feeling happy after their Grade 8 Orientation Day at Thomas More College. Picture: Tumi Pakkies/African News Agency (ANA)

Quadruplets Jordan, Cailee, Taylor and Josh Pretorius feeling happy after their Grade 8 Orientation Day at Thomas More College. Picture: Tumi Pakkies/African News Agency (ANA)

Published Jan 18, 2023


Durban — Hakuna Matata (No worries nor fears) as the Pretorius quadruplets from Kloof start their high school journey at Thomas More College.

While giggling, making jokes and pointing at each other about who is always late, making noise or the clumsiest, 13-year-old Jordan, Cailee, Taylor and Josh said they were excited about starting high school – and being in separate classes.

The quads started pre-primary school in Winston Park in 2012 when they were 3 years old.

In 2014, they began Grade 1 at Thomas More College in Kloof.

Throughout their school journey, not a tear has been shed. “Never again,” was the word used to describe the year they once shared a class in Grade 00.

Quadrens at Thomas More College before there first day at Grade 1. From left is Josh Pretorius, Taylor Pretorius, Cailee Pretorius and Jordan Pretorius. File Picture: Sibonelo Ngcobo

Speaking to the Daily News on Tuesday, they said although being in the same class was probably making things easier for their mother in terms of activities and homework, they preferred being in separate classes.

“We are in different classes. Mom has to memorise all the teachers and all other school stuff. We want our personal space, be alone without having each other around all the time,” said the quads.

Quadruplets Josh, Taylor, Cailee, and Jordan Pretorius feeling happy after their Grade 8 Orientation Day at Thomas More College. Picture: Tumi Pakkies/African News Agency (ANA).

Sharing their aims and ambitions this is what they had to say:

Jordan said her parents were her inspiration to work hard. She would like to become a lawyer and was trying to build up her confidence in public speaking.

“I want to focus more in school and do well in my subjects. I want to afford a beautiful house like my parents have provided for us. I know I will be able to achieve all my needs and wants through hard work and provide for my children one day.”

Cailee aims to get good grades to obtain a scholarship and help her parents with school fees. Hoping to become a marine biologist, Cailee is eyeing marine biology as an extra subject in Grade 10.

Taylor said: “I really want to be in the A+ class. I am trying my hardest this year to be in (that) class. Making lots of friends and going into more classes and having fun.

“I am looking forward to doing more subjects and being exposed to new sport activities.

“I am really looking forward to the high school experience,” said Josh.

Quadruplets Jordan, Cailee, Taylor and Josh Pretorius feeling happy after their Grade 8 Orientation Day at Thomas More College. Picture: Tumi Pakkies/African News Agency (ANA).

The quads’ mother, Sharne Pretorius, said she was looking forward to seeing how they discover themselves as individuals. She always encouraged them to be independent.

“They have different personalities. Even when they were children I did not dress them the same. I wanted them to be their own person.

“I am happy they are going back to school but scared that they are growing up so fast. I am ready to be there for them and help them with homework,” said Sharne.

Quadruplets Jordan, Cailee, Taylor and Josh Pretorius feeling happy after their Grade 8 Orientation Day at Thomas More College. Picture: Tumi Pakkies/African News Agency (ANA)

She said though the school uniforms prices were “crazy”, buying in bulk had worked for them.

“We make arrangements and appointments for the uniforms. This year we bought everything in threes or twos such as skirts, shirts, pants, etc. This includes their stationery,” she said.

Daily News

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