Room-mate recalls day MUT student Xolile Mbatha was killed in their residence

Phakade Ndwandwe, a second-year student at MUT and room-mate to murdered Xolile Mbatha. Picture: Anelisa Kubheka

Phakade Ndwandwe, a second-year student at MUT and room-mate to murdered Xolile Mbatha. Picture: Anelisa Kubheka

Published Oct 28, 2022


Durban — Mangosuthu University of Technology’s slain student had called out to her room-mate to get security while she was in the bathroom on the day that she was stabbed multiple times, allegedly by her boyfriend.

This was according to Phakade Ndwandwe, 21, a second-year student at the institution and Xolile Mbatha’s room-mate for four months before the murder in July.

She had been speaking on Thursday outside the Durban High Court where Bongani Sanele Mlambo who is charged with Mbatha’s murder had appeared. The matter was postponed to Monday, as his Legal Aid attorney was still in the hospital.

In tears, Ndwandwe described Mbatha as a caring person who had become like an older sister to her as she was older and in her third year.

Mlambo, 28, is alleged to have stabbed his girlfriend Mbatha, a final-year electrical engineering student, while in the bathroom of a residence on Mahatma Gandhi Road.

Phakade Ndwandwe, a second-year student at MUT and room-mate to murdered Xolile Mbatha. Picture: Anelisa Kubheka

Mlambo’s plea was partly heard earlier this month when he pleaded guilty and his plea was read out, however, when it was discovered that there was no post-mortem report it was adjourned.

There had only been a post-mortem certificate available.

Ndwandwe said she had moved from the unit and floor she lived on with Mbatha and that on the day of the murder she had been too afraid to look at Mbatha’s body and had ran out the unit for help.

She said before this she had heard the couple arguing in the unit’s bathroom and went to investigate.

“When I got to the bathroom I saw Bongani and asked what he was doing here because Xolile had told him she does not want to speak to him. After that I went back to my room; later Mlambo came asking where Xolile’s phone was,” she said.

She said after searching for the phone, Mlambo found it on the bed and smashed it on the floor.

“I got my phone and sent messages to other floors to come assist. I noticed it had gone quiet in the unit. I realised Mlambo was no longer there. Xolile’s room is near the bathroom and when I was approaching, I saw blood and I ran out of the unit, afraid,” she said.

Daily News