‘Thank you for keeping our doors open in 2023’ – Kloof and Highway SPCA

Kloof and Highway SPCA manager Barbara Patrick thanked every supporter, trust volunteer and staff member at the Kloof and Highway SPCA for making sure their doors remained open in 2023. Picture: Kloof and Highway SPCA

Kloof and Highway SPCA manager Barbara Patrick thanked every supporter, trust volunteer and staff member at the Kloof and Highway SPCA for making sure their doors remained open in 2023. Picture: Kloof and Highway SPCA

Published Dec 22, 2023


Durban — While thanking everyone for their donations to the Kloof and Highway SPCA, manager Barbara Patrick said this time of the year was sad, cruel and the busiest.

On Wednesday, Patrick said that it was almost time to say goodbye to 2023 and welcome 2024, but before doing that, she wanted to thank every supporter, trust volunteer and staff member at the Kloof and Highway SPCA for making sure their doors remained open in 2023.

She thanked everyone who donates financially or in kind to Kloof and Highway SPCA and to those who donate their pre-loved goods to their charity and thrift shops. That is the income the SPCA relies on daily.

“Resilience, kindness, compassion, and love are just a few words that come to mind when I think of each person and business who has been a special and important part of our 2023 year. We could not have survived without you all,” Patrick said.

Patrick continued: “This time of the year is our most sad, cruel and busiest time, but we have a team of unbelievable staff and volunteers who will be there 24/7 to deal with cruelty, unwanted, injured, and stray animals.

“The Kloof and Highway SPCA will never, ever turn away an animal. We accept animals at our SPCA 24/7 and ask that you do not dump, leave or abandon your pets, or any animal needing to be cared for. Please take them to our SPCA. We are there when no one else is.”

Patrick said their after-hours emergency phone number is there for emergencies only and they have one inspector on duty.

She advised that if one’s pet is lost or goes missing, they can visit the SPCA during office hours only as they cannot help after hours.

“Please keep your beloved pets safe whilst you are away from home, at night, and during the dreaded fireworks. Your pet is your responsibility. If your pet is microchipped it helps the finder reunite you as soon as possible. Always come in personally and do a lost report with us and keep checking at our SPCA as we cannot keep up with the volume of animals coming through our doors currently. We do the best we can every day and appreciate your support more than you will ever know,” Patrick said.

Looking forward to the new year, Patrick said: “I ask that you be kinder and more understanding when dealing with us all in 2024. Our job is not easy, but we choose to do what is right for animals at all times. We wish we could save them all, but it’s just not possible and that’s the fact. There are fates worse than death; wild animals belong in the wild and in the perfect world animals would be treated as the sentient beings that they are, but we don't live in that world yet, so please understand when we make the difficult and heartbreaking decisions we do.”

“To everyone who chooses to adopt from our Kloof and Highway SPCA, thank you all, you will never know how happy we are when our animals are homed.

“I wish you all the very best for the festive season and may 2024 be your happiest, healthiest, and most successful year ever!” Patrick exclaimed.

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