Trial of alleged hitman charged with murder of teen set for August

In August, the trial against an alleged hitman charged with the murder of the son of his intended target was set to begin in the Durban High Court. Supplied

In August, the trial against an alleged hitman charged with the murder of the son of his intended target was set to begin in the Durban High Court. Supplied

Published Mar 2, 2023


Durban — In August, the trial against an alleged hitman charged with the murder of the son of his intended target is set to begin in the Durban High Court.

Minenhle Gwala,16, was allegedly murdered by Lindumusa Malembe in 2021 in KwaDabeka, where the teen and his mother were tenants.

Minenhle was stabbed to death in the room he had been sleeping in, in the home that they shared with their landlord, who was Malembe’s ex-lover, Ntombifikile Luthuli.

Five days before Gwala’s murder, Malembe is said to have confessed to being hired and paid R35 000 by the teen’s mom to allegedly kill his father, Sthembiso Ndlovu.

Malembe’s indictment alleged that he had been in a relationship with the complainant, Luthuli, which had ended some time prior to Minenhle’s killing.

Previously, the Daily News reported that Ndlovu said that after hearing about the plot to end his life, he had taken Malembe with him to the KwaDabeka police station to open a case on the matter as Malembe had expressed that he was not a killer but had spent the money paid to him.

Currently, KwaDabeka police are investigating a case of conspiracy to commit murder after a man alleged that he was approached by another man who told him that he was hired by his ex-fiancée to assassinate him on April 25, 2021.

In the case against Malembe, it was alleged that after he had a fallout with Luthuli, he had arrived at her locked home in February, demanding entry to collect his belongings, he was found waiting outside the home by Luthuli.

“The accused then entered the house and locked the kitchen and dining room doors. The accused produced a knife and tried to bind Luthuli’s hands. She resisted and was cut on her hands in the process. Minenhle joined Luthuli to ward off the accused, who managed to break away and flee the scene. On 9 May 2021, Malembe armed himself with a bag of tools, including a knife, and gained access to Luthuli’s premises. He entered the room where Minenhle was on the bed, and assaulted and stabbed him several times. Minenhle died at the scene.”

On Tuesday, in court, Malembe’s trial was set down to be heard from 7 to 17 August.

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