Cassper Nyovest hits back at nude video claims

Cassper Nyovest. Picture: Instagram

Cassper Nyovest. Picture: Instagram

Published May 5, 2020


Cassper Nyovest and his management have hit back at rumours about the star on social media, saying that people who spread lies about him may soon have to face the music.

The rapper found himself on the Twitter trends list recently after some fans claimed that he was going to retire since his last single, "Amademoni", was apparently “a flop”. 

Soon after #CassperFinallyRetires started, fans were quick to share their opinions.

Cassper chose to block out the hate by not responding but was later hit with a more serious claim that he had been taped in the nude.

A user claimed he had said video in his possession and would be able to send it to those who wanted to view it, which angered Cassper's fans.

The rapper's manager Tlee Moiloa also slammed the claim, calling it fake and offering a reward to anyone who could help them arrest the person responsible for the “video”.

"R50 000 reward to anyone that can lead to the successful arrest of the person that created the acc that's spreading the fake video. Completely anonymous, you won't have to testify at all. All we want is proof that the person owns the handle. Btw Twitter HQ working on this. DM pls", he wrote. 

— AMN 11.09.20 (@BridgeBossTLee) May 1, 2020

%%%twitter">@casspernyovestand this people who promote it

Promoting fake news

— #MUFASA VAAL🌐🌍 (@Sawcee_Tee)

Cassper eventually took to Twitter, saying the lies about him had reached a new level and he was shocked.  

“The extent they will go to lie on my name has reached a new level today. I'm sitting here laughing in extreme shock, adding a warning that those responsible would be punished.”

— R.M Phoolo (@casspernyovest) May 1, 2020

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cassper nyovest