Mmusi Maimane takes aim at government after Natasha Thahane funding drama

Mmusi Maimane and Natasha Thahane. Picture: Instagram

Mmusi Maimane and Natasha Thahane. Picture: Instagram

Published Nov 30, 2021


One SA Movement leader Mmusi Maimane has taken aim at government with a very clear message - the politician wants answers.

This comes after actress Natasha Thahane said that the department of sports, arts and culture funded her studies abroad to the tune of more than R1 million.

Natasha topped the trends list on social media after revealing information that did not sit right with a lot of people.

In her interview on “Podcast & Chill” with MacG, Natasha revealed that she received over R1 million from the government after reaching out to politician Baleka Mbete.

Natasha, who is the granddaughter of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, told MacG that she had needed help to pay for her studies at the New York Film Academy in 2017.

According to the former “Skeem Saam” actress, she reached out to Mbete who was then the speaker of parliament, and ANC chairperson.

Baleka apparently turned to the department of sports, arts and culture to arrange the money, in excess of R1 million, for Natasha's studies.

“I asked Mam’ Baleka (Mbete) and was like, ‘Mama, I need to go back to school. I’ve been accepted... I don’t know what I’m going to do, can I have funds? Please arrange something for me.’

“She managed to speak to (the department) Arts and Culture and they were able to help me,” she said on the podcast.


Taking to Twitter, Mmusi said that minister Nathi Mthethwa needed to clarify how the funding for Natasha happened.

“Funding for education must come through the proper channels and must be allocated according to need.

“Our government is not doing enough for students and this must change,” he said.

“Education is one of the main ways to get families out of economic adversity and on a path to wealth building.

“We need to make sure our limited funds are used in the best way possible to maximise the nation's return on investment and to address national skills needs.”


The former DA leader said both Natasha and the sport, arts and culture minister owe the public an explanation.

“I hope you can have a conversation with the nation about this academic funding. How much it was, how it was processed and your reflections on your personal use of networks to access state support. I think you do owe the public that much, Natasha,” he said.


Maimane did not spare Minister Mthethwa either.

“Mr condolences Nathi Mthethwa, we also need clarity from your office about the disbursement of these funds.”
