Fight for rights on African farms

The Last Seed will be aired at the KZNSA Gallery, Glenwood, at 5.30pm for 6pm, on September 27. The film focuses on the challenges African farmers face to take their place in a more just food system.

The Last Seed will be aired at the KZNSA Gallery, Glenwood, at 5.30pm for 6pm, on September 27. The film focuses on the challenges African farmers face to take their place in a more just food system.

Published Sep 23, 2023


Durban - The award-winning documentary The Last Seed will be screened in Durban next week, describing the challenges African farmers face to become part of a just food system.

“Much of our work, which centres on agro-ecology, focuses on changing narratives around the food system,” said Vanessa Black, research and policy coordinator for associate producer Biowatch South Africa.

“Fundamental to a just food system are farmers’ rights to save, share and exchange their seed. Through the lived experiences of African small-scale food producers, The Last Seed exposes the battle to protect and secure farmers’ rights and African seed systems.”

The Last Seed describes the struggles and triumphs of African small-scale food producers as they navigate the complex web of western science, politics and economics that supports the corporate capture crisis. Farmers, experts and activists share their farming practices and advocate its sustainability as they advocate for seed sovereignty across the continent.

The film also captures the efforts to establish and maintain soil health and biodiversity, defends and shows evidence that agro-ecology was a culturally-aligned, life-affirming and climate-resilient alternative to industrial agriculture, chemical poisons and corporate control.

The documentary will be aired at the KZNSA Gallery, Glenwood, at 5.30pm for 6, on September 27. For more information and a link to the trailer, visit

The Independent on Saturday