Get ready to pop with History



Published Nov 26, 2022


Durban - Timeless music, high energy and iconic moments: this is what Kimberley-born Michael Jackson impersonator Dantanio Goodman believes keeps the performer’s music alive.

Goodman will amaze Durban audiences with his striking resemblance to the king of pop and his own smooth dance moves.

“Showtime Australia has been wowing audiences in South Africa with the Michael Jackson History Show for more than a decade. The show is so high energy, and Michael Jackson has such an extensive back catalogue, we can perform an array of his most popular music and also touch on some of the most iconic moments from his live concerts. We have even arrived on stage in a spaceship,” said Dantanio.

“Michael Jackson’s music is timeless, with a fan base spanning all generations, young and old. He brings people together from all backgrounds and binds them through his music and song-writing. Our show pays a tribute to the king of pop as we keep the memory of his music alive and bring it to audiences that still want to see his songs performed live on stage to celebrate his incredible career,” said Dantanio.

The concert has been a hit with audiences internationally and locally. Dantanio believes there is a fine line between those who are successful in capturing the essence of the songs and those who do not.

“Tribute shows are often more accessible to a wider audience, but some shows and artists are more successful than others. Our key is in the details of the music and performance so our audiences can experience what it would be like if they were in the company of the man himself,’’ said Dantanio.

Showtime Australia Group chief operating officer Kristy Mathews said they were lucky to have Dantanio tour the world as part of the tribute concert for more than seven years and believe even Jackson would be impressed if he were alive.

“Dantanio is an exceptionally gifted performer and fills the shoes and famous socks with great distinction, filling the stage with an energy that MJ himself would be proud of,” said Mathews.

The tribute concert is at The Globe at Suncoast from December 21-24. Booking through

The Independent on Saturday