Primary school wins platinum for green initiative

Virginia Preparatory School school grounds. Picture: Virginia Preparatory School/ Facebook.

Virginia Preparatory School school grounds. Picture: Virginia Preparatory School/ Facebook.

Published Feb 4, 2024


Durban’s Virginia Preparatory School was recently awarded a Platinum 1 Award by the Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa (Wessa) in recognition of their portfolio during 2023.

Teacher Janine Noble, who was in charge of co-ordinating and collating the portfolio, said it was a wonderful feeling to have the work done by the school recognised as an Eco-School in line with what Wessa hopes to achieve with their schools programme.

“It was not a total surprise because an excellent foundation was set by my predecessor, Jill Searle, who put our school’s Eco-Code in place and linked it to various environmentally-responsible initiatives,” said Noble, a natural sciences specialist teacher and eco committee member at the school.

“The work in our portfolio of evidence last year was linked to five themes: Biodiversity and Nature, Energy, Waste, Water and School Grounds. Part of the evidence shows how our curriculum, and the work done by the different grades in class, has links to these themes.

“We also have various initiatives, such as our water-friendly gardens.”

Independent on Saturday