You can’t beat eggs for affordable nutrition



Published Aug 26, 2020


Eggs are a classic example of a nutrient-rich food that deserves more appreciation for their cost-effective contribution to a healthy, balanced diet.

Eggs: A Nutrient-Rich Food

Food scientists and dietitians refer to eggs as being nutrient-dense. This means that a food is rich in nutrients including protein, fibre, vitamins, and minerals, while being low in excessive amounts of saturated fats, added sugars, and salt (sodium). This is part of why the Department of Health encourages South Africans to enjoy eggs every day.

Eggs: Help Us Meet Our Nutrient Needs

In a large, well-known study called the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) on over 20 000 participants, it was shown that egg eaters had a higher likelihood of meeting and even exceeding their nutrient needs. For example, egg eaters tended to eat more protein and more healthy fats. The diets of egg eaters also contained more iron, zinc, calcium, selenium, and choline – nutrients which are often neglected in our diets.

Eggs: Nutritional Value For Money

It is widely accepted that eggs add a bang for your buck when it comes to a healthy and balanced diet. Eggs are an affordable source of protein, minerals such as iron and zinc, and the vitamins A, B2 and B12. This was confirmed in a recent study that ranked whole eggs the third most cost-effective food after dairy and grains. In children, eggs also ranked as the most cost-effective food for delivering protein, choline, and vitamin A and the third most cost-effective food containing vitamin D. In adults, eggs were the most cost-effective food for protein and choline, second most cost-effective for vitamin A, and third most cost-effective for vitamin D.

In these financially challenging times, eggs are the sunny side of your grocery shopping trip.

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