‘I broke up with my boyfriend because of the Barbie movie’

Couple watching a movie. Picture: Pexels Pavel Danilyuk

Couple watching a movie. Picture: Pexels Pavel Danilyuk

Published Jul 27, 2023


People can get really serious when it comes to movies, forgetting that it really is just a movie.

This guy got so serious about the new ‘Barbie’ movie that it actually caused his girlfriend to break up with him.

The 23-year-old girlfriend took to Reddit’s AITA group to find out if she was the a**hole for dumping him because of the comments he made after they watched the ‘Barbie’ movie.

She starts off by saying that because she is a huge fan of Greta Gerwig and her 23-year-old boyfriend likes Ryan Gosling, she was excited to see the movie.

However, other than the fact that Ryan Gosling was in the movie, her boyfriend didn’t know anything else about it.

She on the other was well aware of its feminist themes and was secretly hoping that her boyfriend would get the message.

“Over the duration of the movie, I could tell he was getting more and more uncomfortable/upset and I was getting really sad (both from the movie and his reaction) and I knew we would end up having a conversation about it afterwards,” she writes.

“He didn’t talk to me until we got in the car. He then told me that he was really offended by the movie and said that it was the kind of thing I should have watched with my girlfriends and not him. I understood where he was coming from but I’m not going to even start explaining why I disagreed,” she adds.

“We have been having problems with his weird comments about women, the LGBTQ community, and other stuff. He would deem it ‘b*tch sh*t’. Maybe it was a long time coming, but this was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

“I was tired of having to always deal with his attitude and disrespect and was also maybe on this girl-power high. So I told him it was over.”

After the argument, she told him to move out of her apartment and he agreed saying that he “didn’t want to live with her another second”.

She assumed that he has a place to go to but after receiving numerous messages from his friends saying that he is MIA, she realised that he doesn’t.

“I feel like this is all my fault. No one has heard from him in 24 hours. I know now he did not in fact have anywhere to go. The worst part is we still have his location and it’s saying he is two states away. I don’t know how he got there.”

She concludes by saying: “I can’t believe this is all because of the freaking ‘Barbie movie’.”

Most Reddit users said that she’s not the a**hole for dumping him.

“He sounds like he was an awful person. It’s a movie ffs. If he was so deeply offended by a movie with feminist themes then that’s his problem, and it shouldn’t be yours,” said one person.

“You’re NTA. Apparently, the two of you were not compatible,” commented another.