Love can be found on dating apps

Love can be found on dating apps. Picture: Vitor Lima from Pexels

Love can be found on dating apps. Picture: Vitor Lima from Pexels

Published Jan 18, 2022


A majority of young people utilise multiple dating apps since it provides them with a larger pool of options.

The question then becomes, "Do individuals find love using dating apps?"

QuackQuack conducted a poll among its users in order to address a huge and curious group of people.

Saved from embarrassment and made men more confident

It's not every day that you run across someone of your type in a pub or at the supermarket.

In the midst of the pandemic, it's practically impossible to say no.

A staggering 73% of female users claim that internet dating has saved them from awkward first dates where they had to make up an excuse to leave in the middle.

They can get to know their match better through online dating before going on a real date. 82% of male users claim that internet dating has increased their confidence in approaching a girl since they know it's a fit.

Some men may have to cope with rejection first-hand if it isn't online or mutual.

Profile pictures and selfie verification badges make it easier to trust

Did momma tell you not to talk to strangers? Your mom would be furious if she gets to know what you have been up to.

Well! It's usual to have doubts about people on dating apps.

Among the users under the age of 30, a large number of men, 72%, and 58% of women first notice the profile pictures of potential matches, while 71.5% of users say that a selfie verification badge helps them to trust that the person is genuine and encourages them to approach first.

A majority are looking for something serious

Everyone uses dating apps for a different reason. It's a match when two people have the same goal in mind.

According to the report, 41% of male users and 7% of female users are in a casual relationship, a significant difference between the genders.

While 41% of users are on the lookout for something more serious.

Finding love has become easy with virtual dating

People used dating apps to form emotional relationships and find love during the pandemic, when everyone was home sheltering.

In the last two years, more over half of male users under 30 (56%) have gone on more than three dates, the majority of which were virtual.

In the last two years, however, 72% of women had gone on less than two dates.

Women want a lifetime companionship

A majority of women, 55% and 48% of men, out of 41% of users who desire something permanent with their spouse, want to see their connection blossom into a lifetime companionship.

Women, by a margin of 26% are more eager to create a family and have children than men.

"Online dating applications have made it feasible for users to meet people who are outside of their social and geographical circle," said Ravi Mittal, founder and CEO of QuackQuack.

“We've had a lot of women sign up for our app in the previous year.

“It occurred because more people are becoming genuine on dating apps, and online dating has taken on a life of its own. It's not just a passing fancy; there's a lot more to it."

Only flings and hook-ups should not be used to describe online dating. People nowadays are yearning for an emotional connection.

They can dive into a pool of matches and expose them to the outside world using these platforms.

They may be compatible with a variety of people, but the most of them are looking for something permanent and long-term.

Women, in particular, are eager to marry and begin a family with their present online dating partner.

This revelation should suffice to prove that love may be found on dating apps.

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