Run if you see a whole heap of suitcases, and other signs that you’re getting hooked by a hobosexual

According to Urban Dictionary, ’hobosexual’ refers to a person who jumps into a relationship just to have a place to stay. Picture: cottonbro from Pexels

According to Urban Dictionary, ’hobosexual’ refers to a person who jumps into a relationship just to have a place to stay. Picture: cottonbro from Pexels

Published Feb 17, 2022


“What exactly is a hobosexual?” This was my response when my editor asked me to write something about hobosexuals. I was stumped that a word like this even existed.

It appears I’m late to the party as far as dating trends go, because the term was coined as early as 2017.

According to Urban Dictionary, “hobosexual” refers to a person who jumps into a relationship just to have a place to stay or “someone who enters or fakes a relationship to avoid homelessness.”

Interesting; back in the day we used to call them “scrubs”, courtesy of 90s girl group TLC.

These days, the term appears to be referring to mostly men, and it’s been a hot topic on social media, namely Twitter.

But one particular post stirred some healthy debate after local soccer player Maphitha poured his heart out in a now-deleted piece on why he dumped his girlfriend.

Obviously, tweeps managed to get receipts after the post disappeared.

The lengthy post had many scratching their heads in confusion, with some even calling on their fellow social media users to summarise the turn of events.

Basically, he dumped his ex because of this: “She’s lazy and doesn’t reciprocate and after he cleans up after her she continues to make a mess. Am I missing anything?”

— Neo Latoya Maduna (@Neza_Maduna) February 16, 2022

Which brings us back to the hobosexual issue. The post was inundated with comments, most suggesting that, unfortunately, this was the case for Maphitha. But it was also met with empathy and understanding from the opposite sex.

— missNeo (@Neo_Thibule) February 16, 2022

Another tweep posted a TikTok video with the comment: Hobosexual 101

According to’s Joselromero $$$, these are the red flags to look out for:

  • They are dressed in name brand clothing
  • Always partying at the newest clubs or lounges
  • Never has any money
  • Has bad credit
  • Always asks you to help him or her acquire assets
  • Don’t have a place to live
  • They are usually overly obsessed with their looks
  • Are very experienced when it comes to sex
  • Manipulating and charming
  • Don’t work

Author and relationship expert Chelsea Black says the No. 1 rule to follow is to never tell a potential partner that you live alone, or even that you own a home.

“Make sure that you have at least three dates out and about before you bring them home,” she added, and “suggest you go to his first. Yes it’s a mission but you’ll know for sure what you’re working with. If you see a whole heap of suitcases then…RUN!”

WATCH: How to spot a hobosexual:

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