How to take care of your skin this summer

There are small changes we can make in our daily routine in order to avoid skin damage. Picture: Supplied

There are small changes we can make in our daily routine in order to avoid skin damage. Picture: Supplied

Published Nov 29, 2021


We all know it’s hard to avoid the sun in summer. Therefore it is important that we take care of our skin day and night.

There are small changes we can make in our daily routine in order to avoid skin damage.

Here are five steps to help you take care of your skin this summer.

1. Less time in the sun

Yes, getting some vitamin D is important. But there can be too much of a good thing. If you do plan to lie out in the sun, don’t forget your hat and SPF lotion or spray, which protects you from various skin damage such as wrinkles and uneven pigmentation. Applying it to your skin routine in the morning will benefit you in the long run.

2. Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!

Water is one of the biggest factors when it comes to taking care of your skin. When we are dehydrated our skin becomes dry and cracked. We were taught from a young age to drink at least eight glasses to two litres of water a day. This not only benefits your skin but your overall health, as water clears our body of toxins.

3. Moisturise

It’s important to moisturise your face after every wash, day and night. Try to avoid fragrance oils and moisturisers as this can irritate the skin, especially when spending a lot of time outdoors.

4. Exfoliate

It feels good to get rid of dead skin with your favourite exfoliator. However, this should only be done once a week. The skin on your face is very sensitive and needs to be treated as such. Overdoing exfoliation can cause skin irritation such as a rash or slight skin burn.

5. Avoid sugar

We all deserve a sweet treat every now and then. However, it’s important to avoid too much sugar. The less sugar in our diet, the fewer fine lines and wrinkles we have. If you do decide on having a chocolate or slice of cake, make sure to drink water before and after snacking.

These simple steps can protect your skin from damage and will benefit you and your family in the long run.

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