Groom refuses to have ‘miracle baby’ at child-free wedding and brother loses his sh*t

File photo: Posting on the subreddit, the man wondered whether the way he had told his brother about his child-free wedding was too harsh. Picture: Freepik

File photo: Posting on the subreddit, the man wondered whether the way he had told his brother about his child-free wedding was too harsh. Picture: Freepik

Published Dec 1, 2022


A subreddit user on AITA (Am I The A-hole) asked if he had over-stepped when he told his brother he was having a no-children-zone wedding.

His brother has a three-year-old, and as we may know, they can be on the wild side; half the time you’re running after a kid who is a ball of energy.

Posting on the subreddit, the man wondered whether the way he had told his brother about his child-free wedding was too harsh. His brother and his wife had struggled to conceive and often referred to the baby as a ‘rainbow baby’ or ‘miracle baby’

The groom’s brother, Chris, wanted to bring his miracle along, but all was not well.

This has become the norm at many weddings, to keep things orderly - even though we have some adults acting like kids.

Chris was not having it, and took it personally. He tried to convince the wedding couple to accept his child at the event, telling them that he was “a miracle baby” and that his “presence at the wedding will bring blessings” for the bride and groom.

Guilt trip much? But that wasn’t going to change the original plan; and the ‘’wedding would be child-free, no matter what.’’

It didn’t end there; Chris couldn’t read the room and continued to send photos of his pride and joy in an attempt to sway opinion. The groom told his brother to stop the madness and accept the child-free invitation as everyone else had done.

But Chris is a fighter. He kept saying his baby was special, persisting on the miracle/rainbow baby concept.

Chris and his wife brought the issue up again, this time on a different occasion, but the groom had come prepared and held up flash cards stating: “The wedding will be childfree.”

When he asked if the proud parents had got the message for real this time, Chris “lost his s–t,” calling his brother an a–hole for disrespecting him, his wife, and “their son who’s [his] one and only nephew”. After arguing some more, Chris stormed out of the house.

Chris was “livid beyond measure” about “the amount of disrespect and mockery… displayed towards them”. I think it’s safe to say Chris took this way too personally, get on with it!

One user commented: “It’s YOUR wedding, YOUR rules.” Taking all the comments into consideration, the groom realised he was not the ‘A-hole’ in this situation, Chris was just acting like a fool.