City warns of potential harmful smoke from warehouse fire in Hammarsdale



Published Aug 1, 2021


DURBAN - RESIDENTS in Hammarsdale and surrounding areas have been warned to close windows and doors due to potentially harmful smoke emitting from a burning warehouse.

The eThekwini Municipality said the Sequence Logistics warehouse was still smouldering following a fire that began on July 13 during the unrest.

According to the City its Fire and Emergency Services are still monitoring the site daily. However, the safety of the building is compromised.

City’s spokesperson Msawakhe Mayisela said it was therefore unsafe for emergency teams to enter and completely extinguish the fire in the building.

As a precautionary measure, he said, residents are advised to close windows and doors and to put wet cloths over vents until the smoke clears.

He also advised residents to prevent additional indoor air pollution and urged them not to burn candles or use gas, propane, wood-burning stoves, fireplaces or aerosol sprays.

In addition, residents are urged not to fry or braai meat, smoke tobacco products, minimise vacuuming and vigorous sweeping.

“For those who have access to respirators, the use of N95 respirators is encouraged. Smoke levels can change during the day, therefore it is advised to wait until the air quality is better to recommence active outdoor activities,” said Mayisela.

When the air quality improves, even temporarily, residents are encouraged to air-out their homes to reduce indoor air pollution, he said.

Mayisela added that emergency teams and Environmental Health Practitioners would continue to ensure that pollution affecting air quality in the area is mitigated as soon as possible.