Man fired by company after found illegally dumping in KZN Midlands

An employee working for a company contracted to Msunduzi Municipality has been dismissed after he was caught illegally dumping in uMngeni Municipality in a branded vehicle. Picture: uMngeni mayor Chris Pappas via Facebook

An employee working for a company contracted to Msunduzi Municipality has been dismissed after he was caught illegally dumping in uMngeni Municipality in a branded vehicle. Picture: uMngeni mayor Chris Pappas via Facebook

Published Sep 14, 2023


Durban - A day after an employee of a company contracted to Msunduzi Municipality was caught illegally dumping in uMngeni Municipality in a City-branded vehicle, disciplinary action was implemented and he was dismissed.

uMngeni mayor Chris Pappas posted pictures of the Msunduzi-branded vehicle caught illegally dumping on his Facebook page on Wednesday.

“This Msunduzi Municipality – City of Choice branded vehicle was caught dumping in uMngeni today. Law enforcement was quick to impose a fine,” read the post.

In a statement on Thursday, Msunduzi Municipality said the City became aware of an illegal dumping incident from Pappas’s Facebook post.

The municipality said the matter has already been investigated and the vehicle has been traced back to a service provider contracted by the municipality for the replacement of water meters.

“The driver employed by the company was caught dumping his private waste, nothing related to Msunduzi Municipality. The municipality has been advised by the company that a disciplinary process has been instituted against the said employee and he has subsequently been dismissed.”

Msunduzi condemned the incident and said an investigation is being conducted against the company for bringing the municipality into disrepute.

“The municipality has adopted a zero-tolerance stance on illegal dumping and is implementing a name-and-shame campaign which is part of efforts aimed to vigorously enforce the waste management and all other municipal by-laws.”

In response to the actions taken by Msunduzi Municipality, Pappas said on Facebook: “I have noted the statement by Msunduzi and appreciate the swift response and action.”