NFP worried about possible corruption if state of disaster declared over energy crisis



Published Jan 31, 2023


Durban - The National Freedom Party (NFP) has cautiously welcomed the ANC’s proposal to declare a state of disaster regarding the country’s ongoing energy crisis.

At the closing of the ANC NEC lekgotla, President Cyril Ramaphosa said there was “clear direction” from the gathering that load shedding must be addressed immediately.

He added that there was a call for declaring a national state of disaster as had been done to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic.

NFP Member of Parliament(MP), Ahmed Munzoor Shaik Emam said while the party welcomed moves to address load shedding, they were sceptical of the promises becoming a reality.

“We question the government's ability to deliver on their commitments," the MP said.

The NFP also warned about the potential for corruption in implementing a state of disaster.

Shaik Emam recalled how corruption had flourished during the pandemic when senior government officials were implicated in contracts worth millions of rands.

"The PPE corruption scandal is a stain on the government's credibility to execute. Therefore, the NFP calls on President Ramaphosa to provide a concrete plan with a clear timeline for delivery and to ensure transparency and integrity in the tender process,” the MP said.

According to the NFP, it was crucial to restore trust in government and ensure that the promises made were fulfilled.

The party also expressed support for the government's efforts to help households and small businesses install solar power and energy-saving devices, but insisted that more needed to be done to ease the burden on the vulnerable and ensure access to essential needs for all South Africans.