Audi S1 RX 'n Roll at Esterling (V)

Rally legend Walter Rohrl, left, and rallycrosser Matthias Ekstrom compare notes.

Rally legend Walter Rohrl, left, and rallycrosser Matthias Ekstrom compare notes.

Published Dec 31, 2014


Estering, Germany - When EKS Audi driver Matthias Ekstrom had his new S1 RX quattro rallycross car out for testing at the Estering circuit recently, he invited rally legend Walter Rohrl, now 67 years old, to try out Audi's latest 'off-road' rally car - with some unexpected results.

Audi also brought along Rohrl's iconic 1984 S1 Sport Quattro rally car and after swopping cars, the two drivers compared notes.

Rohrl was, not unexpectedly, impressed by the 'unbelievable' power output of the RX's two-litre turbopetrol four - all 412kW of it! - but it was Ekstrom who was blown away by Rohrl's speed and effortless smoothness, admitting that the old maestro was faster than he was through some sections of the circuit - in either car.

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