Winterkorn: VW back in calmer waters

epa04733908 Martin Winterkorn, CEO of Volkswagen AG, speaks at the Volkswagen AG shareholders' meeting at the fairground in Hanover, Germany, 05 May 2015. Volkswagen shareholders are gathering for what is likely to be a tense annual general meeting following a management crisis at Europe's biggest carmaker that resulted in the dramatic resignation of the group's chairman. EPA/OLE SPATA

epa04733908 Martin Winterkorn, CEO of Volkswagen AG, speaks at the Volkswagen AG shareholders' meeting at the fairground in Hanover, Germany, 05 May 2015. Volkswagen shareholders are gathering for what is likely to be a tense annual general meeting following a management crisis at Europe's biggest carmaker that resulted in the dramatic resignation of the group's chairman. EPA/OLE SPATA

Published May 6, 2015


Hanover, Germany - Following a bitter power struggle in recent weeks, Volkswagen is hoping to return to “calmer waters” and concentrate on its business of building cars.

Chief executive Martin Winterkorn told shareholders at VW's annual meeting in the northern city of Hanover on Tuesday: “The past couple of weeks have been eventful, to put it mildly.

“That is why it is good that we have now returned to calmer waters. That we have clarity about our future direction. And, above all, that we can concentrate fully on our business.”

Last month Winterkorn locked horns with Volkswagen’s supervisory board chief and patriarch Ferdinand Piech in a bitter battle that spooked investors and appeared to place a question mark over the successful running of the group.

Seventy-eight-year-old Piech, a member of the powerful Porsche dynasty that is a shareholder in Volkswagen, and one of the most important figures in German business, had sent shockwaves through the industry by declaring that he was “distancing himself” from Winterkorn.

But the steering committee of Volkswagen's supervisory board threw its weight behind Winterkorn, 67, saying it intended to extend his contract.

While Piech vehemently denied trying to oust his former protege, he eventually threw in the towel, resigning on 25 April.

Winterkorn told shareholders it was “important for me to thank Piech - not only on behalf of all 600 000 employees, but also personally.”

Over the past five decades, he said, Piech had “shaped the automotive industry like no other - as an entrepreneur, as an engineer, as a courageous visionary”.

“The group and its people have much to thank Piech for. This is something that will not change. And we and I have tremendous respect for this lifetime achievement,” he said.

Piech was not present at the meeting.


Winterkorn complained that Volkswagen had “seen any number of interpretations, speculations and - unfortunately - even exaggerations over the past few weeks. It's important that you, as our shareholders, know that Volkswagen is a fundamentally sound, well positioned company.”

Looking ahead to the current year, Winterkorn said the group expected a “moderate” increase in customer deliveries, an increase of up to four percent in sales revenues and an operating return on sales of between 5.5 percent and 6.5 percent.

One of the issues which appeared to have caused the rift between Piech and Winterkorn - who had been seen as the former's close ally and heir apparent - was Volkswagen's lack of substantial inroads into the US market and its over-dependence on the Chinese market.

Winterkorn promised shareholders that the “Volkswagen brand is going on the offensive again in the United States. I'm committed to that”.

It was true, he conceded, that “after some major successes, the Volkswagen brand has lost momentum in the United States. The reasons for this have been clearly identified. We have drawn up a dedicated master plan for the US, which we are now implementing step by step,” Winterkorn said.


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