Nigeria’s airlines abandon plans to ground flights in protest against rising fuel cost

Nigeria's airlines say they have called off a plan to ground domestic flights from Monday in protest at the spiralling cost of aviation fuel. AP Photo

Nigeria's airlines say they have called off a plan to ground domestic flights from Monday in protest at the spiralling cost of aviation fuel. AP Photo

Published May 9, 2022


Cape Town – Nigeria’s airlines announced on Monday that they have called off the plan to ground domestic flights from Monday in protest at the spiralling cost of aviation fuel, local media reported.

Aviation fuel has risen almost fourfold this year, which was unsustainable, the Airline Operators of Nigeria (AON) said.

It was gathered that the hike was triggered principally by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine at the end of February, writes News Africa Now.

Airline Operators of Nigeria has been under pressure from the government, consumer protection bodies and customers to shelve the planned shut down since it was announced on Friday, according to Reuters.

Airlines are complaining about paying for jet fuel upfront in cash at 700 naira ($1.69) per litre, a price that has more than doubled this year, partly as a result of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, increasing their operating costs by around 95%.

But the airlines say flights will now go ahead as negotiations with the government are continuing.

AON said that it had been given some assurances by the government.

The announcement will come as a huge relief to thousands of air travellers whose plans could have been disrupted.

Rising aviation fuel is not only affecting Africa, several countries are battling to keep flights in the air, as jet fuel prices have risen by over 100% compared to last year due to the war in Ukraine, causing airlines to warn of lower profitability and higher ticket prices.