Top family violence and sex offences cop Major General Bafana Linda dies

Head of FCS, Major-General Bafana Linda has died. l THOBILE MATHONSI/AFRICAN NEWS AGENCY (ANA)

Head of FCS, Major-General Bafana Linda has died. l THOBILE MATHONSI/AFRICAN NEWS AGENCY (ANA)

Published Dec 21, 2022


Rustenburg – The head of Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Investigations (FCS), Major-General Bafana Linda, has died.

The South African Police Service (SAPS) said Linda died on Tuesday after a long-term illness.

In a statement, National Commissioner, General Fannie Masemola, described his death as a great loss to the organisation’s detective environment.

Masemola said Linda, with 36 years service, was an exemplary detective and a champion for justice for gender-based violence and femicide (GBVF) victims.

"He was a greatly respected detective who was devoted to the call of serving, protecting and securing lengthy convictions for crimes against women, children and vulnerable groups," Masemola said.

Linda joined the service in 1986 as a student constable and worked his way up the ranks to the level of major-general in 2016 where he was appointed to serve as the deputy provincial commissioner for crime detection in Limpopo.

"In 2018 he was transferred to oversee all the SAPS 176 FCS and nine Serial and Electronic Crime Investigations (SECI) units as National Component Head: Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Investigations."

He held a B-tech degree in forensic investigation. He investigated several high-profile cases, including that of convicted child serial rapist, Fanwell Khumalo, who was sentenced to 42 life sentences for 38 rapes and four attempted rapes in the Johannesburg High Court in 2004.

Khumalo, a former chef who used to cater for visiting Hollywood stars at Gold Reef City, was arrested on March 7, 2001, by a team led by Linda who was the investigating officer.

Among the various accolades and achievements bestowed upon him, Linda was awarded the National Commissioner’s certificate of commendation for outstanding service in 2016.

"The organisation has lost one of its highly decorated, celebrated and dedicated detectives who put the women, children and men of this country first through his dedication of serving. He was a man who understood his calling and remained committed to providing closure for victims and survivors of GBVF related crimes.

"His passing will be felt by all those who served with him and the victims and the families of the victims he assisted," Masemola added.