WATCH: Tongaat residents burn JoJo tanks as the town goes without water for 4 months



Published Aug 25, 2022


Durban – Violent protests broke out in Hambanathi, in oThongathi, on Thursday.

According to metro police spokesperson Senior Superintendent Geraldine Stevens, the protests were believed to be a response to residents’ not having running water since the floods.

Videos of a burning JoJo water tank have gone viral on social media. Residents also burnt tyres.

Stevens said the R102 at Gandhi’s Hill and Hambanathi had been closed and urged motorists to use alternative routes.

She said metro police and the SAPS were at the scene.

Many parts of the town have been without piped water since the devastating floods in April.

Earlier this month DA ward councillor Yogis Govender said areas such as Ghandinager, Brake Village, parts of Belvedere, the oThongathi CBD and the oThongathi industrial area had had no piped water.

Speaking about today’s protests Govender said the situation was volatile.

eThekwini Municipality said construction to rebuild the oThongathi Water Treatment Plant began in mid-July.

The municipality said the project, which would cost about R31 million, was set to be completed by October.

Facebook users expressed dismay at the burning of the JoJo tanks:

Craig Perumal: Those tanks were to supply the same community with water.Why would you cut your nose?

Pam Naidoo: This is unnecessary. The JoJo tanks are there to help you, why destroy it!

Jane Balgobin: People paid hard-earned money for those JoJo tanks and they are not cheap. How is burning JoJo tanks gonna sort the problem. Organisers please educate your protesters.