‘What a ride, what a story’–Len Cloete’s wife pays heartfelt tribute to him on their anniversary

Len Cloete and his wife Chantal did a photoshoot to celebrate their 6th anniversary. Picture: Facebook

Len Cloete and his wife Chantal did a photoshoot to celebrate their 6th anniversary. Picture: Facebook

Published Oct 24, 2022


Durban – Len Cloete’s wife paid a heartfelt tribute to him on their sixth wedding anniversary.

Cloete was shot at a Muldersdrift hotel in November last year, allegedly by a policeman.

The video went viral.

Cloete was taken to hospital in a critical condition and is still unable to speak, almost a year after the shooting.

However this weekend, Chantal Deidrè Cloete, paid tribute to her husband on Facebook.

The couple got married on October 22, 2016.

“What a ride, what a story. You gave me a beautiful life and memories to always cherish, what a man. What an honour to be Chantal Cloete.

“13 November 2021 someone tried to take your life.”

Chantal said she will never forget the day of the shooting.

“I thought I had lost you, but you made it. Your journey may still be long.”

She went on to thank everyone that supported the family and prayed for them.

“I decided as an anniversary gift I will use a very special photographer that I trust to show the toughest, strongest man I know Len Cloete.

“You are loved so much my husband. Today the world can see you! I salute you, from your wife.”

Last week, The Independent Police Investigative Directorate spokesperson Lizzy Suping confirmed that the police officer allegedly involved in the matter had still not been charged.

“The status quo remains. The victim still has to be interviewed.”

Private investigator Mike Bolhuis of Specialised Security Services commended Chantal for standing with her husband.

“Its always important to bring out the good news and this is good news. There are those that love him, that stood by him and does stand by him and has not forsaken him.

“They are caring for him and loving him even more than before, so to us as an organisation that is good.”

Luke Enslin, the lead investigator at Specialised Security Services, a private investigation company owned by Mike Bolhuis, said Cloete’s rehabilitation was slow.

“He still is unable to speak. Investigators can’t move forward with investigations because he still isn’t able to give his side of the events.”