Animated video teaches kids how to be safe from coronavirus

Animated video teaches children how to be safe from Coronavirus. Photo: supplied

Animated video teaches children how to be safe from Coronavirus. Photo: supplied

Published Feb 4, 2021


WITH the reopening of schools soon approaching it is important that children are able to practise hygiene – most especially with the second wave of the Covid-19 in our midst.

This is why waste and management company Averda has created an animated video that will teach children how to be safe from the virus.

Head of sustainability at Averda, Brindha Roberts, said: “Many of us at Averda are parents ourselves and know it is not an easy task to protect children against the dangers they will face. We hope the video will contribute to educating families to better protect themselves from the pandemic.

“Teaching children the importance of good personal hygiene is now more important than ever before. We hope that our new educational animated video will help parents and caregivers to have this critical conversation with their kids.”

The animated video features two characters, Glad and Vad, who talk to children in an engaging manner about the importance of good personal hygiene and how this helps protect them from diseases such as the coronavirus.

The video has been produced in three South African languages – English, isiZulu, and Sesotho.

And it is available free to anyone that wants to make use of it.

Tips the video offers include:

  • Wash your hands for 20 seconds as often as possible with soap and water.
  • Stay at least 2 metres away from other people.
  • Always cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze with a bent elbow or a tissue.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.