Matric Results 2019: Responsibility awaits after finishing school - top matriculant

Published Jan 7, 2020


Johannesburg - “Finishing school is a lot to soak in. While it’s a massive weight off your shoulders, you know there’s responsibility waiting for you in whatever you choose to do next. It feels a bit surreal,” said a top matriculant, Michael Hoffman.

The Parktown North, Johannesburg-based 18-year-old student enjoyed his high school career and cherished memories and relationships he formed whilst at St John’s College.

“St. John’s has offered me a wealth of opportunities which I am extremely grateful for. Serving on my school’s prefect body as a head of Clarke House was a huge privilege and an honour,” said Michael.

The School Prefect and Head of Clarke House, said he believed working consistently throughout the year was essential as he was often pressed for time and under immense pressure.

“Having worked consistently throughout the year, I was able to manage these situations knowing that I have a solid knowledge and understanding of my work, rather than having to start from scratch the night before the exam,” he said.

Michael achieved eight distinctions in French, History, Physical Science, AP Maths, Maths, English, Afrikaans and Life Orientation. He also has an average of 90.4 percent. 

Michael is interested in studying BCom Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) at the University of Cape Town (UCT).

“The degree has a wide variety of courses which allow me to keep my options open. At school, I was quite passionate about various humanities subjects including French, English and history; but I also enjoyed Mathematics and AP Mathematics. Taking the BCom PPE allows me to engage in both my humanities side through politics and philosophy as my mathematical side through the various business subjects and economics,”  he said. 

Michael volunteered and was later chosen by St John’s to be one of the two representatives on the council from his school in 2018-2019. The Johannesburg Junior Council (JJC) is a body of pupils from different schools across the greater Johannesburg area.

The council engages in a variety of outreach events, social engagement projects and social media drives.

It is run by the youth but is guided under the eyes of various experienced mentors and the CEO of the NGO, Av Rebeck.

His hobbies include watching soccer, spending time with his friends and playing sports such as cricket and rugby.

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