#Elections2019: 10 things the DA says it will do in its first 100 days in office

Published Mar 4, 2019


The Democratic Alliance says it has an immediate plan to turn around South Africa's fortunes if the party wins the general elections in May.

DA leader Mmusi Maimane is holding a press conference in Tshwane on Monday where he will outline the actions the party will undertake in its first 100 days in office.

Here are the 10 issues the DA promises to tackle:

* Table the Jobs Act, Fiscal Responsibility Bill and ISMO Bill

In an attempt to address the unemployment crisis, the DA says it will introduce a “Jobs Act”, which will offer tax incentives for people to open businesses that create jobs. 

The party says it "will stabilise our national debt by tabling and passing the Fiscal Responsibility Bill which introduces fiscal spending rules that mitigate against the debt-to-GDP ratio spiralling out of control by implementing a debt ceiling set at 60% of debt-to-GDP."

Addressing the crisis at Eskom, the DA says the Independent Systems and Market Operator (ISMO) Bill will open up the electricity supply market and enable private sector investment and increased efficiency.

* Immediately place SAA under business rescue

Placing SAA under business rescue immediately would stabilise the airline and cushion the financial risk on government spending and the economy. This would be done with a view to selling off the airline in the long term, creating competition in this sector.

* Begin the rollout of a Voluntary Civil Service Year

A Voluntary National Civilian Service Year will allow every matriculant who does not qualify for tertiary education to gain work experience while serving the country.

* Introduce specialist Teacher Training Colleges and a National Education Inspectorate 

To ensure that teaching and other standards are met the party says it would improve teaching quality and performance in the country by introducing specialist Teacher Training Colleges and the National Education Evaluation Inspectorate (NEEI).

Increase the child grant to the food poverty line of R547 per month

The DA says it would pass a Special Appropriations Bill that would increase the child grant to the food poverty line of R547 per month as at April 2018 prices. The current grant is R380.

Begin to implement a 6-point Small Business Development Plan

The party said it would implement an overtly pro-small business policy approach by:

- Lowering the cost of doing business by exempting small businesses from certain labour and BEE regulations;

- Improving cash flow of small businesses by implementing a short-term grace period on small business tax penalties;

- Providing funding and related assistance for small business;

- Providing targeted support for micro-entrepreneurs in the informal economy; and

- Focusing on inspiring entrepreneurial mindsets and increasing support and incentives for co-operatives and businesses owned by young people.

Cut Cabinet to 15 Ministries

The party says reducing the size of government to 15 Ministries will save almost R5 billion a year, without sacrificing capacity needed to effectively run government.

Initiate key interventions to professionalise the police force, including the provincial control of police

In the first 100 days, the DA says it will "completely overhaul SAPS, curb corruption, hire people with a passion for policing and retraining police officers to make the police force honest, professional and one that serves and protects".

Deploy SANDF troops to our borders

The party aims to increase the number of SANDF companies that defend South Africa's borders from 15 to 22 companies.

Decentralise control of ports, harbours and Metrorail services and their budgets to metro councils

In its first 100 days, the DA said it would "immediately move to devolve the operation and infrastructure of Metrorail, ports and harbour services in well-operating metros. In line with our focus on city-led economic growth, this will allow cities to tailor these services to best suit their citizens. Operators will be contracted and must meet service standards or face penalties and cancellation of contracts with the model allowing for integrated transport services."