Tutu funeral sermon: He was a giant among us morally and spiritually, says Reverend Nuttal

Published Jan 1, 2022


Cape Town – “What does the Lord require of you, but to pursue justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God, in Desmond Mpilo Tutu, this threefold cord was interwoven in a long-lived authenticity.

“That is why we loved him and respected him and valued him so deeply."

These were the opening words of Reverend Michael Nuttal who delivered the sermon at the funeral service of the late Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu on Saturday in Cape Town.

Despite being small in stature, he was a giant among us morally and spiritually, Nuttal said.

“His faith was authentic, not counterfeit, or half-hearted.

“He lived, even at great cost to himself, in an inclusive, all-embracing love.

Video: Phando Jikelo/African News Agency (ANA)

“His friend Nelson Mandela put it perfectly in a quote saying, “sometimes strident, often tender, never afraid and seldom without humour”.

Desmond Tutu’s voice will always be the voice of the voiceless.

Reverend Nuttal said he was giving the sermon at the wish of the archbishop, who asked him some years ago to do this at his funeral.

“How could I refuse such a request?

“Such an honour,” he said.

Addressing Tutu’s widow mama Leah directly, Reverend Nuttal said that as the chief mourner among us, “my dear Leah, Gogo Emeritus of our church, you and I are in close solidarity in the loss of a much-loved spouse”.

He said he knew somewhat what Leah was going through during this time of grief adding that each person should be free to grieve in whichever way works for themselves.

He said many times mama Leah had to wipe away the tears of her husband, “for as we all know, he cried very easily and in the light of our country, both past and present, he had much to cry about, not to mention the way the world in many ways seems to be tearing itself apart”.

“Today we are here to try, in a small way, to wipe away your tears, mama Leah,” said Reverend Nuttal.

African News Agency (ANA)

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desmond tutu