White man caught on video calling a black man the k-word

A video has been circulating on social media showing a white person hurling racist insults at a black man, calling him the k-word. The video was recorded in Meyerton, north of Vereeniging. Photo: Screenshot

A video has been circulating on social media showing a white person hurling racist insults at a black man, calling him the k-word. The video was recorded in Meyerton, north of Vereeniging. Photo: Screenshot

Published Oct 28, 2022


Pretoria - A white man in Meyerton, north of Vereeniging, was recorded hurling racial insults at a black man and using the k-word.

The disturbing video was posted on Twitter and has been trending since Wednesday.

It is unclear what transpired, but the over one minute-long video starts with the black man wearing what appears like a waiter uniform, he’s sitting on the ground holding what looks like a sharp object in his hand and he’s threatening to stab the white man standing close to him.

“Step back or I’ll do it, step back, step back,” the man is heard shouting.

He eventually managed to stand up, after stumbling a bit. He regained his footing and stood a few metres away from the man and shouted “I am not a k*****, stop calling me a k*****, I promise I will stab you to death.”

“Do it again, do it again,” the black man repeatedly said to the white man.

While the man is shouting and daring the racist man, the racist man shows him the middle finger.

People who are at the scene and enraged by the man’s racist slur chant in Sesotho and say “Let’s beat him up, let’s beat him up.”

A woman is heard shouting, telling the white man to go back where he came from.

“You are not from here in South Africa. This is our ancestors’ land,” she said.

The man continues gesturing with his middle finger and approaches the black man, who begins backing away.

“Don’t stab him, don’t stab him,” screams one woman in Sesotho.

Another woman is heard saying: “Those days are gone, we are tired of being abused by boers.”

The black man is then taken away by another white man into what looks like a small complex.

The man turns to look at the crowd, shows them the middle finger and calls them the k-word. The crowd gets extremely angry and hurls more insults at the white man, who seems unfazed by the incident.