#MatricResults2017: Twins rake in 30 distinctions

Published Jan 5, 2018


Durban - For three sets of twins at Durban Girls’ High School – who scored a combined total of 30 distinctions – having each other to rely on made their final year even more memorable.

Melissa and Katherine Neal; Yolisa and Yola Nzimela; and Driaska and Maranka Naidoo told The Mercury that the year had been stressful but productive.

Driaska said both she and Maranka had relied on each other during the “stressful” year.

She scored six distinctions while her sister scored five.

“It really was the best thing ever. I loved that I had someone in the same situation that could help me when I was feeling overwhelmed.”

They both did the same subjects – but have vastly different interests.

Maranka said she would be pursuing a civil engineering qualification while her sister was looking to study Business Science. Both would be studying at UKZN.

The pair had also faced the loss of their grandfather during the matric year.

“We were so lucky to have each other during that time, and our family.”

Yola – who scored three distinctions – said despite their vastly different interests, she and her sister remained close throughout the year.

She plans on studying Environmental Science at Rhodes University.

Yolisa – with seven distinctions – would be studying Business Science at UCT.

She said she was looking at the separation from her sister and move from Durban with positive eyes.

Melissa – who scored four distinctions – said while the pair did not study together, they shared one passion: rock climbing. This activity also lent balance to their final year.

“We plan on taking a gap year and doing some self-study courses online to see if the careers we want to pursue are really for us.”

Melissa is interested in graphic design, while Katherine was interested in archaeology.

Katherine – who scored five distinctions – and Melissa will be doing au pair work during the gap year as well.

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The Mercury

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